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Damon P.O.V

I was really freaking out after speaking to that crazy bint Qetsiyah but she likes to call herself Tessa now. I couldn't believe her whole agenda to screw up the fate of the doppelgängers was to add a double of herself into the equation. Anya made some deal with her so that Julian could procreate even as a vampire, well he had done a great job so far it got two daughters that we know of Siena and this witch bitch Margherita who stole our son. Life weren't complicated enough now she had to drop all of this on us as well. She made me question my relationship with Siena that I actually began to doubt that Siena and I couldn't fight against this.

When I spoke to Siena and told her about what I was told from her evil twin I felt stupid in a sense because when I looked at my wife. She looked at me with slight hurt in her eyes how was I making Tessa influence me. When Siena spoke of how she would tell me every moment of the day that she loved me and only me. I felt my heart crack a little, I was questioning her felling towards me Siena had shown me how much she loves me though showing me how she felt about me through her own eyes. I wasn't going to let some witch bitch or fate, destiny a deal with the devil wreck our marriage, we are so close to becoming a family once again with Nico being at arm reach away from us.

"What, you think I am? I mean, no one tells me how I live my life, no one tells me who I love, especially not some vindictive prehistoric witch. And I'm not gonna let someone else's idea of destiny stop me from loving you or being with you or building a future with you, because you are my life Siena, you and Nico are the only ones that are important to me and I'm not planning giving up on either of you" I meant every word I weren't going to anything ruin what we had, Siena looked up at me with adoration in her eyes she stretch up to kissed me.

"Siena.... Damon" Elena called out we both turned around and I saw that Stefan started waking up on the sofa Stefan sitting and then stand up.

"Welcome back, brother" Finally he was wake I was worried that the witch had put him in a deep slumber. I wrapped my arm around Siena waist and kissed my cheek, Elena looked at Stefan a little nervously.

"Stefan... we missed you" He looked between us all and began to frown.

"Uh, I'm sorry... I-I have no idea who you people are" He spoke with confusion we all looked at each other. What the hell had that witch done to him?

Siena and Elena began to freak out with the fact that Stefan had no clue who he was and what he was, I pulled them both to one side and told them that we couldn't freak him out. I didn't know what would happened if we began to fill his mind with everything, Siena suggested that I take him out and just start with the basic with him. I knew I married her for a reason she was right I mean someone had to fill Stefan in over the last two hundred years, and I was the perfect person for that.

Before I left the house I went up into Stefan room and grabbed a few of his diaries maybe they would jog his memory, well I'm hoping they will. Well Stefan and I left te house leaving the sister alone I didn't know if was a good idea but right now my brother far more important. I know Siena will be able to look after herself and I don't think Elena planning to cause any trouble with her now she know that she a vampire. Stefan and I began to walk through the neighbourhood and I began to tell him about what happen that Qetsiyah had taken all of his memories away, he questioned me why? I didn't know the answers to that so I need to deflect from his question about that. So thought it would be a little fun if Stefan and I would steal a car and to be honest it was kinda fun. I was driving while Stefan was reading one his diary.

"'March 12, 1922. I blacked out for days. I woke up in a stranger's blood in places I don't recognize with women I don't remember'" Stefan read out I knew the following line to that as I use to get bored in the past and read his journals.

'Your Love Consumes Me' A Damon Salvatore Love Story.  Part Of The 'Epic Love Saga'Where stories live. Discover now