The House Of Capulet And Montague.....

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Damon P.O.V

I stood there completely stunned as the words left Siena mouth she going to bring Bonnie back? Before I could even say anything she had super sped off I don't know how the hell she planning on doing that and her running off like that isn't going to answer my question. So I super sped after her I still can't get over how freak fast she is. I could see her from a far but I tried to push myself to get to her but it weren't no use Siena speed out did me. I turned back and went and got my car I really didn't know what to do with her I really don't need her going off the rails right now. I got in my car and began to drive back to the house I'm hoping that she will be home.

I parked up my car and got out and made my way to the house I walked in and went into the parlour and no one was there, I began to search the house and it was empty freaking wonderful. I heard my phone go off and I got it out of my jacket pocket I looked at the screen and I had a new message from Elena.

Elena: Hey Damon we are all at the grill having a drink for Bonnie. You and Siena are more than welcome to come. She seem upset is she ok?

I had to read that a few time Elena was actually concerned about her sister? I'm not going to complain but I just really didn't expect that to happen.

Damon: Sorry can't make it. Siena little upset still I'll let her know you text.

Yeah I let her know I don't even know where the hell she is? I looked through my contact and found Siena number I pressed the call button and it began to ring I'm hoping she going to pick up.

"Hey" I heard her voice say a little sheepishly "I'm sorry about going off like that...." I wanted to know where the hell she was.

"Where are you Siena" I tried to keep my voice calm because I'm planning on screaming at her when she walks through that door.

"I'm in New York; I went to see Tia Dalma....." I cut her off.

"You're in New York how the hell did you get to New York in under an hour?!" I half shouted down the phone I mean she was fast but I never knew she was that fast but not that fast.

"I ran here....Umm Damon I know what you're going to say that I'm crazy and how the hell do I expect to bring Bonnie back, but please let me do this" I mean if Siena could find a way to bring Bonnie back that would make a lot of people happy but the guilt Siena has would fade away too "I took her life Damon intentionally or not I killed her and I wanted to bring her back" She seem pretty determined with this idea of hers and I guess there no harm in trying to find a way to bring Bonnie back.

"Ok Bella I understand why you're doing this, but next time please don't just run off" I spoke with slight sarcasm to break the tension and Siena chuckled.

"I won't baby, I shouldn't be long ok, love you" She hung up on me I didn't know if all of this was a good thing but I'm sure whatever Tia Dalma will tell her if it possible to bring Bonnie back if it involved Siena life being in danger Tia Dalma would stop her.

I need to just put all that to one side I have to put some trust in her that she knows what she is doing and focus on this party that I said I was going to do. I mean 21 pretty epic time in your life. For a girl it is, you're legal to do pretty much anything ok Siena not any girl but her parents see her as the little girl they brought up and I need to not only make Siena happy but them too. She has some pretty amazing parents and if it wasn't for them Siena wouldn't be who she is today, the sweet kind heart woman who I fell in love with instantly.

I was in two minds about meeting the other but it wouldn't feel right going and not having Siena there, and I knew that they would question me about her whereabouts. I don't really want to get any of their hopes up about the possibility of bringing Bonnie back. No until I know for sure it can be done and what it all involves.

'Your Love Consumes Me' A Damon Salvatore Love Story.  Part Of The 'Epic Love Saga'जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें