Some Actions Are Unforgivable.....

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Elena P.O.V

For a moment I really thought it wasn't going to happen to bring Bonnie back. With the hostility between Siena and Tessa, then the three doppelgängers in one room. As it was all happening I could see my sister was screaming in pain. It brought back memories of when Esther used her powers to make Ric into an indestructible vampire, I couldn't watch her like that this. That what I thought it was all about but it wasn't, Silas was making an appearance and stopping Tessa from transferring Bonnie over to being the anchor.

Even with everything turning for the worst with Silas turning up my biggest fear right now was that Stefan was off the rails. More than anything he wanted to get rid of him and for all. Then the one thing I never expected to happen was that Damon and Stefan mom was here. I didn't know what to think or say. She didn't go into too much detail with me why she was here but the one thing I did know she was a vampire as she attacked me when I was looking for Stefan. When I told her I was Siena sister she seemed a little amused. Looks like Natalia was given the full download of what happen the fact I got on with my life while Stefan suffered in pain in that safe. She put both Damon and I in our place, part of me didn't blame her for doing so. But where the hell had she been all his time who was she to judge about my actions or even Damon.

With everything that went on Tessa finally did it she transfer Bonnie over to being the Anchor, I questioned her about needed Siena for this. Apparently she weren't needed as Tessa absorbed her powers with Siena going MIA that was a blessing in disguise. As selfish as it sounds all I cared about in that moment was to see my best friend. When I saw Bonnie I was overwhelmed with so many emotions she was back, and right in that moment I couldn't be any happier. Nothing could ruining that one moment of having her back.

So with Bonnie being back she signed up at Whitmore College and like all three of us dreamed all summer, she moved into the dorm room with Caroline and I. So everything was perfect life was all back on track and all three of us were finally together. The one thing I needed to remember that all this was possible to one person and that was Siena. She promise me that no matter what she would make sure that Bonnie would be back with us. So I had arrange for something a little special for her and I hope she going to like it, because my big sister deserved it.

"Hi, Mom. I know we haven't seen each other, or talked in a while... so I wanted to make you a video update. I finally finished my whirlwind summer tour, got a new 'do and, I'm in college at Whitmore, where Grams taught. And this is my dorm! It's huge, right? It even has a fireplace! I mean, what dorm has a fireplace?" Bone was leaving her mom a video message she had chopped off all her long beautiful hair. She want wanted a fresh start a new image and after being on the other side all these months I didn't blame her.

"Oh, here they are. Hey, guys! Say hi to my mom!" Bonnie realised we were in the room with her and we both waved to the camera "They're planning me a welcome party. Just something, just low-key. I miss you. Please come visit when you get a chance. I'll, um, talk to you soon. Bye!" She plants a kiss on the screen with her hand

"By the way, Mom; I'm not a witch anymore, because I died and then came back from the Other Side." I mimicking Bonnie she hadn't told her mom anything that had happened to her.

"Yeah, I'm this supernatural anchor that connects the two worlds together, so..." Caroline added Bonnie looked at the both of us unamused.

"Technically, I'm a ghost, that people can still see, and touch, so..." then Bonnie cut me off.

"Okay, so I left out a detail...or two. I'll explain when she visits. How big is this party going to be?" She really did need to tell her mom about because with her losing her powers and being dead then coming back is definitely something she needed to know.

'Your Love Consumes Me' A Damon Salvatore Love Story.  Part Of The 'Epic Love Saga'Where stories live. Discover now