kill me with a spoon lmao

45 8 28

A bitch is tired, can I just say.

Like damn, I've never been this tired.

bUt on a high note, I was on Tumblr and I found this beauty.

bUt on a high note, I was on Tumblr and I found this beauty

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He's such a beaut and idek who this guy is.

s i g h.

But hey, I have another tag to do.

Btw, thank you SMILEGUK.

what ethnicity are you often mistaken for?♡

I'm never really mistaken for any other ethnicity other than my own, which is African American. However people do make fun of the way I speak, and say that I speak like a different ethnicity.

♡what do you hate the most?♡

Ignorant assholes who say I'm less than my race because of the way I talk.

♡word you use to describe yourself?♡


when did you first read smut?♡

10/11? I don't really remember.

who did you have a crush on?♡

No one, lol.

♡a kink you haven't mentioned you love?♡

Riding, all types, really.

favorite day of the week?♡


recent roleplay you discovered?♡

I don't really roleplay...

favorite letter of the alphabet?♡

K, that's my main hoe.

♡a word or phrase that you always say?♡

"Fuck a dick, bitch"

"But what the fuck are we supposed to be doing?"


"I detect bullshitery."

"Sure, bitch."

"The fuck?"

"Kinky" (I only say this one inside my head tho)

a new name you like being called?♡

No one has a cute nickname for me, but I guess I wouldn't mind being called lovely, sweet, cutie, beauty or smth like that.

tags *-*


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