BONUS CHAP: A Christmas Engagement

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Snow covered the small town in Terradel and lights lit up the streets as Kylian watched his dragon, Fouco, play with Mino. He was a teenager now and the spitting image of his older sister.

Packing a snowball tightly in his hands, he launched it at Mino and his eyes widened as both the dragon and the boy tackled him right into the snow.

"Oomph," he huffed, laughing as Fouco darted around. His dragon had been the runt of the litter. He was small and skinny, around Mino's height. Although the dragon was too small to ride, that didn't stop Kylian from quickly bonding with the creature.

"Hey Kylian!" a familiar voice of one of his best friends shouted.

He turned to see the smiling redhead as she hurried down a hill to where he stood. Adri was hand in hand with her fiance, Elliot. Kylian waved at the couple as their dragons joined his.

"Where's your girlfriend?" Elliot asked, looking for the blonde-haired girl.

"She's probably on her way," Kylian guessed. "Mira's always fashionably late."

Since their adventure that had left his past lover dead, Kylian had gotten incredibly close with Adri and Elliot. It wasn't Adri that he had trouble forming a bond with, it was Elliot. They were just very different and Kylian had always had friends with a similar personality and interests, but after a few years they grew very close.

Mira was introduced to him by Mino. She had been Lyra's aquaintance who had lived in the streets with her before he opened up the building, which was similar to an apartment but free for homeless kide to live at.

They hadn't clicked at first either. She had just reminded him too much of Lyra and felt like he was betraying her when his emotions started to stir up, but with help from his friends he accepted his growing feelings and knew that Lyra would want him to continue with his life.

Mino had been living with Kylian and they grew a very close brotherly bond. He was also like another rider to Fouco, someone that his dragon cherished just as much as Kylian. The two had both grown up together.

"Speaking of Mira here she comes," Adri announced. Kylian saw the petite girl running down the hill. Her wavy blonde hair was tied in a ponytail and she wore a blue winter coat and knit white scarf.

"Hi Kylian," she greeted, breathing heavily. "I'm sorry, I was helping Miss Stevens hang the laundry. Now that it's Winter we have to keep it indoors, which makes the room a little musky but we'll get by."

How could he have once blamed this girl for changing his feelings? Mira was very kind and generous. She volunteered at the shelter that she still used to live at, helping with chores and the needs of the smaller kids. Mira had moved out only a few months ago into Kylian and Mino's house. They had been dating for 3 years now and moving in had been well overdue.

"I can't wait for Demetrios to light the Christmas tree tonight," Mira told them. "It's going to be amazing."

The town had a tradition every year for eah resident to make a small ornament and hang it on the tree during the day of Christmas Eve and at night on midnight Demetrios would plug in the lights that wrapped all around the gigantic tree.

It was almost midnight and the town square was full of townspeople. Demetrios, dressed in an ugly Christmas sweater that Mino had made for him, stood in the center. When the clock struck twelve, he plugged in the lights and the whole tree lit up.

"Mira Angie Augustus," Kylian started, taking his girlfriend by the hand and bending down on one knee, "Will you marry me?"

Her face lit up as tears started rolling down her cheeks. She squealed and hugged her new fiance as he put the delicate ring on her finger and kissed her right there, not caring that the whole town could see. Adri's head was resting on Elliot's shoulder as he intertwined his hand with hers and reached up to kiss her ring. Demetrios rested his hands upon Mino's shoulders, who were both smiling at the happy couple. What a beautiful Christmas engagement it had been.

On the other side of the waterfall, Lilith jumped as she felt arms wrap around her stomach. She stood on a stool trying to hang an ornament on the tree.

"You almost made me fall," she scowled, looking at her husband. Holden pouted at her while she just rolled her eyes and went to step down.

Still embraced in Holden's arms, she let out an oomph as he dropped them onto the couch and looked around in their now decorated living room. They had married quite young at 22, just six months before. It was the first time decorating in their new house, which just brung an aura of joy.

"I miss our friends," Lilith told Holden, looking into space. "It's been 4 years since we've seen them."

"I'm sure that they are all happy," Holden assured, kissing his wife's cheek.

"Yes I think so too, but it would've been amazing if I could share their happiness too."

"We'll never forget them," was the response. "And they won't forget us. We'll be in each other's hearts."

He looked at her sullen face and suddenly gave her a goofy grin as he picked her up bridal style while she shrieked.

"Now let's go bake some cookies," he said, heading towards the kitchen as she hit him in the arm, grumbling to put her down. And life was good.

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