Chapter 11: Unlocked Powers

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How did you survive? Are there more like you? Adri asked, trying to figure out how in the world there were still dragons alive in Terradel.

My siblings and I were isolated from the rest. We lived alone in a small cave near this waterfall when we were young. We never met our mother. The one who took care of us was a young warlock, around 20. He found our nest, which was abandoned and alone. He took care of us as well, bringing us food and teaching us duties that our mother would have done. He didn't have a name, but told us to call him Cicl (pronounced see-sul), which is an abbreviation of ciclista and means rider, because even though he wasn't ours, he was just as important.

We were sincerely grateful. He was very caring and our protector until we were big enough to be his. However, when we grew up Cicl soon became hostile. He started ordering us to do things we didn't want and even attempted to ride us, which is something no one should do but the destined rider. Cicl started to make plans for us to join his army and get rid of the unwilling dragons. We were scared, so all of us left him one night when he went hunting and hid here. Even though it's close to where we lived, Cicl never found us.

Replaying the story for her friends to here, Elliot looked shocked and disgusted, but Lilith was having discoveries of her own.

"Uh Adri," Lilith called. "You know how you said that for every dragon their rider had an element matching their color? I think I just unlocked my powers that come with that."

Just as she said that, the weather turned cold and Lilith started shivering. Both Lyra and Holden, who had been standing to the side, felt snowflakes hit their face and stared at the sky in awe when it started snowing.

"That's amazing, but do you think you could stop?" Kylian asked, his teeth chattering.

"Uh..I don't really know how to control it," she murmured.

Just relax, her dragon, Cielo, ordered. Close your eyes and let your mind become blank. It's like meditation. You need to focus on nothing.

Kylian sighed in relief when the snow began to settle and a very thin white blanket covered the ground. By then, the others were also starting to figure out their powers.

Adri used slow hand movements to pull vines out of the ground while Elliot was somehow bending the metal clasp attached to Adri's cloak.

"You'll fix that when you're done right?" she asked, laughing when he nodded.

Lilith was just messing with the sky, turning it gray before clearing all the clouds to make it a nice day. Finally, Holden was snapping his fingers to the wind. Kylian felt an unusual breeze pass by while he almost tore down the trees, making Adri scold him.

He looked at his white dragon and went to stroke Aria on the nose. She let out something that only Holden could assume was the dragon resemblance of a purr. He was caught by surprise when the dragon used her head to knock him on her back and started to take off.

Lilith could practically hear Holden screaming his head off and laughed.

"Just hold on!" she called, reaching Cielo to do the same. The light blue dragon took off and played in the sky with her sibling.

"Want to join them?" Elliot asked Adri, suddenly in a playful mood.

"Of course." Mounting their beasts, they flew high up in the air, but none of them stopped to wonder what strangers might think if they saw dragons in the sky.

Lyra rarely if ever showed awe at anything. Well, she rarely showed any emotions besides sarcasm and annoyance, but this was a whole different level. Never in her life had she seen something so beautiful that she couldn't do anything but stop and stare.

It never fazed her that Lyra didn't have a dragon of her own. Seeing one from her very eyes was enough. She had never been a jealous type of person anyways, especially because she was used to people having more luxurious things than her, but it appeared someone else didn't quite think the same.

"Wow," Lyra could all but breath in wonder. "I've never been this impressed."

She turned to see if Kylian had the same awestruck face that she was making, but looked around in confusion when he wasn't there. Lyra vaguely saw Kylian disappear back into the woody part of the forest. Where could he be going? she thought as Lyra looked at the playing dragons one more time before following him.

"Where did they go?" Lilith asked as Cielo dropped back onto the ground. Holden also landed at the same moment and shrugged.

"Who knows?" he sighed before taking off again with Lilith right behind.

𝔏𝔢𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔗𝔢𝔯𝔯𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔩 ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें