Chapter 8: Starting the Quest

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"Well here we are," Lilith sighed. "The place where it all began."

"Where do we even begin?" Holden asked, looking around. They were back at the cave that had first brought them to Terradel. Lycan had told them to start where they had first began, but there was nothing new here.

"Dude, you haven't strayed your eyes from her since you found her," Holden whispered to Kylian. It was in fact true. He didn't know why, maybe because of her mysterious appearance or snappy personality.

"I thought you found girls like Lyra obnoxious and annoying," Lilith laughed. He shrugged.

"She doesn't seem like those type of girls," he told them.

"She's exactly like those kind of girls," Holden argued while Lilith nodded her head in agreement. "The reserved kind who will snap at you no matter how kind you are."

"Quit it Holden," Kylian hissed. "Don't judge her based on the first things out of her mouth."

"We're judging her based on what she already showed us. And it's called first impressions," Lilith said thickly before turning around.

"Hey guys!" Elliot called, all of them snapping out of their argument to see what happened.

"Oh. It's the nest that we found when we first got here," Lilith commented. "We would've never figured out that it was for a dragon."

"There aren't anymore over here," Adri said. "Most times, dragons would live together or near others. However, this one seemed isolated."

"Maybe there weren't other dragons to live with," Holden suggested, emphasizing the "to."

"Anyways, let's search for more just in case," Elliot continued.

"If you keep looking at me like that, your eyeballs are going to fall out of your head," a voice said sarcastically. Holden stiffled a laugh as he passed Kylian.

"Well how can I stop when there's a beautiful girl standing right in my way," he asked, teasing her a little.

Lyra looked dumbfounded for a minute, like she never expected him to say something like that. Kylian might be serious when he's supposed to, but he was still a teenage boy and loved playing around.

"Sorry but I don't fall for flattery," she retorted back before walking away from him. However, Kylian just followed her anyway.

"What's your obsession about me?" Lyra askes. "It's not like I don't see your calculating look everytime you stare at me, like you're trying to figure me out."

"I wouldn't call it an obsession. More like a strong wondering," he shrugged. "And you notice my look when I stare at you? Someone seems to be looking at me as well. You can't help but stare at my handsome face?"

Lyra snorted, but didn't say anything as she scanned the bushes for any other nests. She wasn't going to let some pushy teenage boy get on her nerves with his teasing. Besides, he humored her.

"And so what if I want to figure you out," Kylian added. "I already know there's more to you than what's on that cold exterior of yours."

This made Lyra stop in her tracks. Kylian smiled. He finally got to her. He wasn't one to push someone into telling them all about their life, even if he wanted to know her true personality.

"I already told you, flattery won't work," she said a little softer, resuming her walk.

"Kylian! Quit annoying her and help us search!" Holden called. Kylian nodded and turned back to her.

"Well you're saved for now, but I'll see you later," he promised before dashing off.

Lyra was glad he was off her back, but his teasing had helped her forget about the situation they were currently in and that was something she needed. Somehow, she had gotten dragged into this and it seemed to be Kylian's doing. She hoped that he wouldn't pry into her personal business, but it would probably take extra effort on her part to make sure he didn't.

"My little tsundere!" she heard him yell. Lyra didn't look up, but she cracked a smile that hadn't gone unseen by Kylian.

He felt a hand hit the back of his head and glared at Lilith.

"Your mind seems a little too preoccupied," she told him. "Just focus on the job at hand."

But Kylian had stopped listening by then because he noticed three orbs circling around the cave and ran right towards them. Holden shouted for the others to come as theh observed the small balls of light.

They were too quick to catch, but Kylian noticed that they didn't seem to be used for that. All three orbs landed on a different path.

"I think they want us to follow them," Kylian said, looking at his friends.

"Well, we can't all follow one or else the others will leave," Holden replied.

"Then we should split up into partners," Adri decided.

"I'll go with you Lyra," Kylian quickly said, holding her arm. She rolled her eyes and struggled to get out of his grip.

"What if I want to go with Adri?" she countered. "She seems to be the most calm and mature out of all of you."

Lyra looked up to see Elliot and Adri making eyes at each other while Holden and Lilith were trying not to look at each other, but Lyra wasn't fooled.

She let out a huge sigh and got out of his grip. "Ok ok. I'll go with you Kylian."

"I didn't realize that I was in the middle of the secret love group," she murmured, walking to one of the paths. It was obvious all of them heard it though. Elliot pretended not to hear, Adri had a small blush on her cheeks, and both Lilith and Holden looked at each other awkwardly.

"Alright then," Kylian spoke, breaking the silence. "Let's go see what these orbs want to show us."

"And hopefully it will help us with this quest," Lilith said. "Because I'm suddenly dying to get back home."

Following Lyra, Kylian had the urge to start this quest as well, but not because he wanted to get back home anymore.

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