Chapter 20: A Fight in the Sky

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Lyra landed right by Elliot's house and ran straight inside. All heads turned to her as she came in breathing heavily.

"Lyra! You're alright!" Kylian shouted, hugging the out-of-breath girl.

"No not really! Lycan has a whole army of dragons and he's heading here right now!" Lilith screamed. "Come on guys! I have our dragons. We need to get on the move."

"How are we supposed to stop that whole army?" Elliot asked.

"I've gathered that the dragons are truly followers of Lycan. They're all under a spell," Lyra explained. "If we can just defeat Lycan, then the whole army should diminish."

"Alright so our focus is on Lycan," Holden concluded.

"And protecting the citizens," Lilith added. "We need a quick plan."

"I'll take care of Demetrios and Mino here," Elliot's dad promised.

"Elliot and I will go help battle the dragons in town," Adri told them.

"And I'll protect the children as well," Holden added, running to find his dragon.

"Lyra and I will go right for Lycan," Lilith ended, also running off. Lyra was about to join her when she saw Kylian backing into the house.

"Are you coming Kylian?" she asked. He turned to her in surprise.

She could understand his hesitation without a word.

"You don't need a dragon to save Terradel," Lyra smiled. "But we do need weapons."

"Good thing Elliot has a few," Holden responded. Two swords and a bow and arrow were hanging from the wall. Elliot's dad had said that they were passed down from generations, which is the only reason he had them.

Prepped with their weapons, Lyra hopped onto Acqua while Kylian joined Lilith. The army was already above Terradel and flying through the streets.

"What's this lunatic's plan?!" Lilith screeched. "To kill everyone?"

"I don't even care," Lyra sighed. "Let's just find him."

It was pretty easy to spot the man dressed in various robes on top of a black and silver dragon.

He must've found his dragon, Acqua commented.

"And his powers," Lyra groaned, holding on tightly to her dragon as a metallic ball was hurled at her.

Metal, Acqua informed. She flew back up and Lyra could only watch as one of the balls his Lilith's dragon and it tumbled backward.

Keep going, Acqua told Lyra. Cielo and Lilith want us to catch him.

Acqua started flying even faster, right on Lycan's tail. Another ball was thrown and Lyra ducked before sending a ball of water straight at his face. Unfortunately, it just splat in his face and made him angrier.

"Well what do I do now?" Lyra asked.

You have a weapon, use it, she encouraged. I'll get you closer to him.

Acqua flew right next to him and Lyra started swinging her sword. Lycan easily dodged it as he sent another ball straight at her.

It whipped by her head, but Lyra still wasn't having any luck with the sword.

Kill him already, Acqua urged.

"I don't know how to use this thing!" Lyra hissed. "I've never even held a sword!"

What she didn't expect was Lycan to use a ball to knock it out of her hand and grabbed it himself.

"Acqua?!" she shouted. "What now?!"

Now we get out of his way.

Sddenly, Lycan groaned as an arrow dug right into his shoulder. His grip let loose of the sword as it whirled through the sky. Now both of them were weaponless.

The skies became darker and rain started pouring down, affecting both dragons as they struggled to see through the droplets frantically hitting their eyes.

Lycan groaned and gritted his teeth, eyeing Lyra as he drew back his other arm and this time hit Lyra straight off her dragon.

She found herself tumbling through the sky while Acqua struggled to reach her. Lyra dove straight down and looked for her rider, screeching when she noticed that Lyra was passed out in the air. Acqua squinted her eyes to try and see through the pounding rain, but it was too late when Lyra struck the ground hard.

Acqua felt her own heart weaken as she howled in pain. Landing on the ground, she examined her rider who wasn't moving. There was no way that she had survived the impact. Lyra, the small and fierce girl who cared for everyone before they loved her, was dead.

Acqua swooped back up into the sky, mourning about her dead rider but knowing that she had to help kill Lycan. Kylian was surprised when the dragon came back without Lyra and hopped on her back, bow in his hand.

"Throw me the sword!" he shouted at Lilith. He threw the bow to Lilith and caught the sword.

You didn't need to to be a rider to be a hero, Acqua said in his mind. Driven with confidence, he told Acqua to head right next to the warlock, who was back to throwing metal balls at them.

Lycan cursed out when he felt his dragon cry out and dive down a bit. Lilith kept shooting arrows at his dragon until she was out. Kylian took the chance to get even closer and grab onto the warlock.

He let go when Lycan shot another ball of metal out of his hand, but hopped onto Lycan's dragon and used the sword to drive it through Lycan's back.

Let go! Acqua called. Kylian felt himself plummet to the ground as Lycan's dragon began to fall.

Kylian closed his eyes before jumping off of the dragon. He braced himself for whatever was coming, relieved when he felt himself land on a different dragon. Acqua took him back to the ground and he slowly got off.

That was when he saw Lyra's body laying on the ground and ran towards her.

"Lyra! Lyra!" he shouted. He quickly felt her pulse, but it was no use.

"I'm sorry Kylian," a soft voice said. He looked up to see Lilith.

He didn't even notice when all the dragons stopped attacking and the spell was quickly reversed, turning them into various colors.
The rain stopped, but the sky remained cloudy and gray that represented Lilith's mood.

"I didn't even get to tell her that I loved her," Kylian whispered. "I didn't get to thank her for believing in me..."

Lilith decided to stay quiet and stood next to him as their friends started to gather around and mourn with Kylian. They remained silent and still until Kylian picked up her body and silently agreed to bury her himself. They may have won a war, but an important friend was lost.

𝔏𝔢𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔗𝔢𝔯𝔯𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔩 ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora