Chapter 4: Legend of the Dragon

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Kylian scanned the small town as they walked down the busy street. It was exactly how he always pictured a town like this portrayed in a book would be.

There were absolutely no cars in sight, but with only one village in all of Terradel then there was no need for an invention like cars. Everyone was dressed in either pants or long dresses, adorned with accessories like hats or aprons.

There were horses and donkeys here and there hooked onto wagons, but other than that most of them walked. They weren't the rowdy New Yorkers who pushed there way through, but a very polite bunch who would apologize and take it slow.

Little shops were lined up through the town, with their cottages surrounding the entire square. And of course in the middle was the Lord's house, which was brick instead of wooden and had a shingled roof instead of a straw one. It was the biggest and tallest house, yet only 2 stories high.

"Follow me," Adri told them in her silky voice. "The people here are friendly, but there are always a few rascals and thiefs that will try to steal your valuables so watch out."

Kylian unconsciously touched his golden watch that perched on his wrist. It was an heirloom given to him by his grandfather and he would be upset if anyone decided to steal it.

"Alright, we're here," Adri announced as they stood in front of a small shop called Biblioteca. The red-headed girl knocked on the wooden door.

A stout and short man opened the door and gave her a beaming smile. He had a very tan complexion with black tufts of hair and a curly thick mustache.

"Adri!" he shouted gleefully. "Come in come in!"

Adri motioned them to follow and Kylian was hit with the sight of shelves of books and the scent of...paper maybe? It was a very cozy and small place, with no other people there.

"Not many people have enough leisure time to come here," the librarian explained.  "But Adri here loves to read books."

"Especially Fantasy," she put in cheerfully, heading to a section titled "Dystopian."

"I think this is what I want," she said as her green eyes scanned the row. Pulling out a fairly new book with a black cover, Adri flipped a few pages and smiled.

"Ah here. The city was decorated with brilliant lights twinkling from the streets. From the 20th floor, Emma could see all the tall buildings lined up as people scurried in a hurry. Cars, a fairly new invention used for immediate transportation, lined the streets."

"That's from the Dystopian section?" Holden asked, confused.

"Of course!" Adri exclaimed. "This is after all, a fictional city."

Ironic, Kylian thought as she continued reading. The city sounded exactly like New York, yet Terradel sounded exactly like a setting someone would read in a fantasy book.

"A place where dragons never roamed the forests," the librarian, whom they finally learned was Jaques, spoke up.

"Dragons?" Lilith repeated.

"You've never heard of the Legend of the dragon?" Jaques asked.

"Ooh this is my favorite," Adri sighed, looking at them with excitement.

"It was said that not too long ago, dragons roamed the earth with humans. They were friendly and gentle beasts who would not hesitate to come up to someone. However, the dragons started to disappear. The citizens were confused when the beasts started to become stressed, making them fierce. The people began to become afraid and banned the dragons from coming into the village. Legend says that six heroes will soon save these gentle beasts before the thought of them become extinct forever."

"And Lord Demetrios is the only person remaining who has seen them," Adri added excitedly. "He was even a rider!"

"A rider is someone who is the destined companion for a dragon," Elliot informed. "A dragon matches the chosen color of the element that the rider possesses. Lord Demetrios' element was the Chinese element of of metal. It is said that his dragon was a beautiful silver being. Lord Demetrios had powers that matched his element. He could bend any metal into any shape. He was quite the weapons crafter."

"Where is his dragon now?" Holden asked. "Didn't you say that they all disappeared?"

Elliot glanced at Adri with a sorrowing smile.

"Yes well when Lord Demetrios realized his life-long companion disappeared, he got this...feeling. A feeling of dread and pain. It was then he realized that she was dead. The dragon was never found, but he could feel that her presence was no longer with him. He fell into a deep depression and hasn't been the same ruler ever since."

"Well I think you kids have found what you wanted," Jacques commented, ushering all of them out of the library.

"Oh yes," Adri smiled. "Thank you for your help!"

"Of course dear," he responded. "Anytime!"

Waving at him, Elliot also bid him a goodbye. Kylian watched their action with the older man. It was obvious that they were close to him.

He felt a strange pressure on his arm as someone bumped into him.

"I'm sorry," Kylian said, turning to the mysterious person, but the person was no longer there.

Looking back, all he saw was ink black hair moving as the girl ran away. Kylian looked down to rub his aching arm before realizing that his watch wasn't on his wrist anymore!

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