Chapter 14

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*Hanna's POV*
Spencer's parents were visiting Melissa in Philadelphia so that meant a crazy sleepover at Spencer's. We were all super excited; getting a bunch of movies to watch, making popcorn, piling up blankets and grabbing extra snacks. Of course Aria had to make the coffee because hers tastes the nicest, where as Spencer's gives me the shakes. I'd finished putting the stack of movies- consisting of 'The conjouring 1&2' 'The notebook' 'I.T' and a few others- onto the coffee table and was now helping Em carrying down the blankets from upstairs. 

There was a sudden knock at the back door.  Spencer wasn't expecting anyone so we were all a little worried as to who it might be. The door opened from the outside, so whoever it is, doesn't feel like they should have to wait to be invited in. Then a girl with blond hair (lots of it) walks in and smiles at each one of us, using her signature smiles. They used to win us-well at least me- over but she can't fool me anymore.
"Did you miss me?" Also one of her famous lines.
"Alison?" Spencer quizzed.
"No I'm Vivian Darkbloom." Alison said excitedly.
"What?" Now we were confused.
"Yes, it's me Alison. Gosh guys can you be any more stupid." Next she used one of her 'Ali laughs' which we all used to love, but now it just makes me sick hearing it.
"What do you want?"
"What do I want? Don't tell me you'd rather be in here watching sappy movies than be out at a frat party with loads of boys? Oh're all gay dikes."
"I'm Bi Ali." Aria snapped, defending herself.
"Isn't everyone? You're bi. I'm bi." Ali smirked.
"Bi-itch more like." That was my attempt at humour but based on Spencer's glare she was giving me, I don't think the timing was good.
Alison just ignored me, strolled towards the couch and sat down. What a way to just make yourself welcome.

"Aw isn't this nice? The five us back together" Alison said smugly. 
"We're not together anymore Alison," Spencer snapped.
"You ditched us remember?" Aria muttered.
"I had a lot going on" She answered defensively.
"That's not an excuse" I said.
"I can't tell you all how sorry I am" Alison's apology was faker than my replies after repetitive shop lifting and being questioned by my mum.
"That's right, you can't because you need to leave" Emily announced.
"Wow Em, I didn't think you'd want me gone" Alison smiled.
"Ali, go, you don't belong here" Spencer said.
"None of us do." Ali whispered.
"There is no us. There hasn't been for a long time." I say.
"Oh honey, there is, but you just don't see it." Ali said.
"What do you mean?" Aria asked.
"You need me, you all do, you're just too stupid to see it."
"Why would we ever need you?" I asked.
"You'll see." Ali sighed.
"You need to leave." Spencer demanded.
"Ok, I'm going, but just so you know, I still own all of you."
"Clearly not." I say as she slams the door with a slight force but it doesn't close, it's wide open, like it's an invitation to follow her into the night.
"Ali" Emily called out.
"No Em, she's not worth it" spencer assured us.
"I don't care, we can't let her walk away like that. she doesn't own me, she doesn't own any of us." I shout and walk out of the open door.
"Hanna!" Spencer yelled after me.
"Let her go"Emily said.
"she does still own us and she always will." Aria said.
"Not if we put an end to this." Spencer breathed heavily.

"That was quick, I thought Emily would be the first person to run back to me." Alison muttered.
"Why would she?" I asked with annoyance in my voice.
"Because she loves me," She declared.
"Ali, stop it," Emily begged as her, Spencer and Aria ran outside to join us.
"Why? You don't want Hanna to know?"Alison asked sweetly, but pure evil evident in her eyes.
"Know what?"
"Hanna it's nothing," Emily said, you could tell in her eyes she was telling me to drop it.
"Why won't you tell her em? There's nothing to hide is there?" Alison was clearly loving this, making drama between what's left of this group.
"Ali just go," Emily begged.
"What is it Emily?" Quizzed Aria.
"Emily. what's going on?" Spencer was still glaring at Ali but tried to give Emily a sweet sympathetic look.
"Is there anything going on Emily?" Ali asked.
"No Ali there isn't," Emily said.
"Ali just leave, nobody wants you here," Aria said.
"You may have brought us together but you certainly don't own us," Spencer told Ali.
"Oh I don't own you? Then why can I control you so much? I've made tension between you guys and started an argument. Before I came over, you were just getting ready to braid each other's hair and watch a movie before bed at nine o clock." She way over reacted here.
"Because you're a manipulative bitch," I shoved at her.
Aria and Spencer glance around the garden, not wanting to connect eye contact with anyone.
"Emily?" Ali asked.
"Just go Ali." Em whispered.
"Emily has told you to leave so go, what's stopping you?" I ask.
"When you realise you need me and come running back, I won't be here" Ali told us in a threatening tone, like that would scare me.
"We don't need you Ali," Spencer mustered up the courage once again.
"You sure about that?" Ali replied.
"You were never nice to us," Emily mentioned.
"You guys are nothing without me," Ali cackled before walking away.
"You sure about that?" I say in the best Alison Dilaurentis voice as I can.

We're all in shock because we basically just kicked Alison out of our group once and for all. Alison. Alison Dilaurentis. The queen bee of rosewood high. Yes. We just got rid of her.
"I'm so over that bitch." Aria muttered as she stumbled inside. A few seconds after she said that, Aria's text tone filled the room.
"Um guys?" Aria whispered.
"Yeah?" I say.
"Who is it?" Spencer asked.
"I don't know, it's a blocked number, but that's not the point. Look what they said."

You sure about that? -A

"They've attached an image." Emily mentions as she points to the screen.
"It's Ali." Emily screams. Her long blond curls are dangling by her shoulders, I would've been jealous of her hair in any other situation, but how could I know when she's hanging from a noose.
"Oh my god, Alison" Aria gasped.
"Is she dead?" Emily asks quietly, not wanting an answer.
"Guys, that's not Alison," I say immediately. That can't be her, she would have have killed herself just because we declined her.
"It looks like her," Aria comments.
"she's probably pretending to be dead to make us run back to her once again," I suggest.
"Who's A?" Spencer questioned.
"A for Alison" I say. I'm not letting it go, it has to be her, who else would it be?
"Just this is proving that she'll never stop controlling us" Emily mumbled.
"So, What do we do?"

Yoo my dudes! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in ages just had so much going on, also had slight writers block but now I'm back and I hope there'll be another chapter up within the next two weeks.
~Megan xo

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2018 ⏰

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