Chapter 13

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*Emily's POV*
After running out of my house, we all went back to Hanna's. The car ride was silent but Hanna was comforting me.
Spencer and Aria are downstairs watching tv along with hanna's mum.
"Hey Em?"
"Yeah?" I sigh.
"You don't have to if you're not ready, but we should talk to Dr Sullivan," I tense. I don't know if I'm ready to talk about everything. I know I've told my friends, but they're different, they won't judge or act any different.
"I'll be right by your side, I'm never leaving you," This immediately gives me comfort, knowing I'll always have Hanna by my side.
She's resting her chin on my head, and we are just cuddling together laying on her bed. I'm in her arms, and this makes me feel so safe. She starts to stroke my hair, playing with it. I tilt my head a little so I'm looking up at her. She's smiling down at me.
"I guess I'm ready," I breathe.
"Don't worry Em, it will all be ok,"
"Really?" I ask.
"Ok," She repeats.
"If you're sure?"
"I'm sure,"
"So girls, what did you want to talk about?"
"Uh well, it's kind of...personal,"
"Don't worry, everything here is confidential, other than anything I believe may be a harm to you or anyone else,"
"Well, it's my mother," I spit out eventually.
"Oh yes, Pam fields, how is she?" Sullivan asked.
"I wouldn't know," I whisper.
"Why? What happened Emily?"
"That's why were here," Hanna said.
"It's something that's been going on, for a while now," I start.
"It's ok Emily, take your time,"
"Well, where do I start?"
"How about the beginning?" I don't think that she intended on sounding sly or bitchy but that's how it came out.
"Ok," Hanna squeezed my hand that was placed in hers.
"She's been abusing me,"

"Oh my god Emily, I'm sorry but you're going to have to tell me exactly everything that's happened,"
"Well, it started when I told her I'm gay,"
"I'm so proud of you, even though people hurt you, you never stopped being true to yourself, you never stopped being you," That shocked me a little, I didn't expect Dr Sullivan to say something like that, I've always thought she didn't really care, that this was just a job to her, I guess not.
"Thanks...then when my dad used to... go away a lot with work, it would happen more frequently,"
"Was it physical or verbal abuse?"
"Im really sorry Emily, but please can you try and tell me a little more?"
"It's ok, and she'd hit me a lot, but then later apologise, she constantly did this over and over again," I let a few tears roll down my cheeks.
"Hey Em, it's ok, I'm here," Hanna wiped away the tears with her thumb, it brushed my cheek softly. Her touch instantly calms me. I nod and then turn to face Dr Sullivan and start explaining again.

"Then my dad died."
"I'm so sorry Emily, really I am, you're so strong,"
"Then Paige dumped me, and everyone was just leaving me one after the other, I was all on my own,"
I felt Hanna's grip on my hand tighten once again. I knew that was her telling me she has always been here for me. I just never realised how much I meant to her.
I turned to look at her and mouthed "I'm sorry,"
She smiled and stroked her finger over my knuckles. That was her forgiveness.
"I felt like I had no one, I was constantly being reminded I was worthless by my mother, and I just couldn't take it anymore,"

"Are you still living with her?"
"Oh heck no, she's living with me," Hanna basically shrieked.
"I'm sorry, but that's not a permanent thing,"
"Well can you make it permanent, Emily is staying with me," Hanna repeated. God what did I do to deserve her? I'm so lucky to have Hanna in my life, I've never realised how much I needed her until now.
"Well, I can try and sort something out, is that what you want Emily?" I guess Hanna shook her up.
"Yes, yes of course,"
"Let my mum adopt her," if it was any other situation I would have laughed, but right now I couldn't, I was too stunned that I'd actually told someone so easily. Why didn't I just do it sooner? I wouldn't have been so alone then. What if she can't sort it out? What will happen then? Would I have to go into care? I have no other family except my mum, and I'm definitely not going home, I shouldn't even call it home, I hate it there!
"It's ok Hanna, we will sort it, but in order to sort something like this out, I'll have to tell them the reason why,"
"Oh-" I cut Hanna off.
"No, it's ok, please can you try," I begged.
"Yes of course, don't worry,"
"Thank you," Hanna spluttered.
"No, thank you," she smiled,
"and Emily?"
"If you ever want to talk again, please come to me, you know my number,"
"Yes of course I will, thank you for everything,"
"Bye girls,"
"Bye Dr Sullivan," both me and Hanna say at the same time.

"I'm so proud of you Em," Hanna said.
"Yeah, well I'm glad I did it,"
"I hate your mum so much," She mutters. Me too Han, me too.
"There's only one person that hates her more than I do," I mention.
"Who's that?" She asks bluntly.
"You," I laugh.
"I'm glad you're laughing, I hate seeing you upset,"
"I'm glad you're my girlfriend," I randomly say. God she makes me so nervous sometimes.
"Wow, I'm glad you're my girlfriend too," she replies.
"Seriously Hanna, I honestly don't know what I would do without you,"
"Well, you're never going to have to live without me, forever and always remember? You're not leaving me, ever," I just want to kiss her and tell her I'm not going to leave her ever, but I can't move, I'm speechless. When I finally manage to say something I splutter out,
"You wanna adopt me?"
"Hey, I was desperate," She claims.
"If you say so," I smile, knowing she is smiling also.

I finally updated! Woooooh!
Im so proud😂.
This isn't the best but ehh..
There's a chance that Em's mum will get in trouble, but there's more to tell than what Emily is spilling. Lots more secrets will be revealed.....:) ;)
~Megan xo

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