Chapter 6

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*Emily's POV*
I snuggled up into Hanna's chest and she was so warm which made it even more comfortable.
"Wanna all stay round mine tonight?" Hanna suggested.
"Yeah, sure," Spencer said and Aria nodded.

A few hours later

We were watching a movie that Hanna had picked out. Aria and Spencer were sat on the small sofa that Hanna had in her room and I was snuggled up to Hanna on her bed. Hanna's mum had been called in for a late shift at the bank so it was just the 4 of us home.

I'm so glad my friends are there for me no matter what. I love them with all my heart, they're almost like family.
"We are your family," I felt Hanna whisper in my ear, her lips tingles against my ear. I looked up and saw her smiling down at me.
How did she know what I was thinking?! I gave her a look and she just smiled sweetly.

Hanna's lips look so kissable right now, the way she smiled at me made me giddy and girly. It made me upset that Hanna is dating Caleb and probably isn't even gay/bisexual. That just crushes my heart that I'm in love with someone that I will never end up with. love? I guess I am...

*Aria's POV*
By the looks of things Han and Em were looking into each other's eyes, and they were both blushing slightly. I nudged Spencer and nodded towards Em and Hanna. She smiled and whispered "they'd make a cute couple,".
She started laughing and I joined in. Em and Han turned to stare at us and both Emily's and Hanna's cheeks lit up.
"You'd make a great couple," Spencer mentioned again.
I saw Hanna tense up but Em just started laughing along with us. It looked like Hanna was going to cry but wasn't sure why. I watched Em whisper something into Hanna's ear and Hanna then nodded slightly. I looked over at Spencer but she had her gaze focused on the movie we were watching. I just shrugged it off and placed my gaze back on the tv screen.

Then all of a sudden Hanna got up off of the bed and ran out of her room. Em followed after her, I glanced over at spence and she just shrugged. We got up and followed them down the stairs. What the hell was going on?
The front door slammed open as I was on the bottom step. I watched Em run outside and heard her shout "Hanna!" I didn't hear a response but when I stepped out of the front door I knew exactly what was going on.

A car slammed into Hanna's side making her roll over the top of the car and bounce her lifeless body back onto the floor. I froze looking at the scene in front of me. The car didn't stop and it was nearly out of view by the time I ran over to Hanna, Emily was sobbing and hugging Hanna.

*Emily's POV*
"You'd make a great couple," Spencer joked. It was followed by laughter from Spencer and Aria. I felt Hanna's body flinch.
I looked at her and her eyes started filling with tears ever so slightly, you could barely tell.
"Are you okay," I whispered into Hanna's ear. She half nodded in reply. I chuckled faintly thinking about Han and I being a couple. I wish that could happen.

It was silent for a couple of minutes as we were all watching the movie. Then suddenly Han just got up and ran out of the room. I didn't know what was wrong so it was quite surprising. As soon as the bedroom door slammed I ran after her, she heard me running down the stairs following her but didn't look back at me. Once she got to the front door, I could hear her crying, was this about what Spencer said? About me laughing? I didn't have time to ask because she forcefully slammed the front door open, and ran outside into the night.

"Hanna...Han?" I shout as I run out the front door behind her.
I got no answer. I followed her up the road. By now she wasn't running as fast, it was kinda jogging.
"Hanna, what's wrong?"I projected into the dark night. Hanna had stopped moving altogether and slowly started turning around. Once she's finally faced me I could see that her make up had smudged and she had tears streaming down her face.
"What's wrong Han?" I question, I was really worried for Hanna, she was my best friend and I didn't ever want to loose her, whatever happened I would help her get through it, we'd do it together.

"I-I'm gay," she cried out. "I love you Em,"
A car came out of nowhere and was speeding down the road.
Hanna froze and looked up at me.
"Hanna!" I screamed just as she toppled over the car windshield. She was knocked onto the floor and left unconscious.

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