Chapter 1

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*Emily's POV*
When my dad died I didn't see a point to life. If the one person that was there for me and never stopped loving me was gone, what was the point. He was there for me when I fell out of the closet, he helped me back up and guided me through life. What was the point in living a life without him. I didn't talk to Hanna, Aria or Spencer because I didn't want to make their lives miserable.

*Hanna's POV*
(Monday Morning)
Emily's dad died last Saturday, once I'd heard the news me, Spencer and Aria had gone to see her, but we were rejected by her mother. She hadn't come to school for a week since. I tried to ring her everyday but I went straight to voicemail every time.
I was standing by my locker talking to Caleb, as I saw a familiar brunette.

"Emily!" I shouted trying to catch her attention. A few heads turned to stare at me, but the head I really wanted to see didn't turn. I slammed my locked shut and ran up the corridor following Emily. The toilets door shut so I pushed it open and followed her inside.
"Emily?" I projected.
I was ignored so I shouted another time.
"Emily?!" Once again I was ignored. I knew she was in there so, she must've been blanking me.
"I'm always here for you," I whispered before leaving the toilets slightly upset.

When I walked out of the toilet the corridors were empty, I didn't feel like going to my lesson so I decided to go to the brew. I would've gone back to my house but my mum was working at home today. Once I got there I ordered a latte and went to sit down in our usual spot.

I looked down at my phone and saw that I had 4 texts and 1 missed call.
2 texts from Aria and 2 texts and 1 call from Spencer. I open up Aria's texts first.

Aria🌺:Hey Han, where are you?
Aria🌺: I hope your okay, I'll cover for you.
I type in a quick reply.
Han💋:Hey Aria, yeah I'm fine just didn't feel like school, I'll be back in at lunch and thanks x

Next I check Spencer's messages.
Spence❤️: Han, where the hell are you? You're late for English.
Spence❤️:Are you okay? X
I reply with:
Han💋: yeah spence I'm fine don't worry, I'll be back in at lunch, see you then X

I finish up my latte and head to my car to get going back to school.
Once I get there I go straight to our table. Aria and Spencer are already sat there.
"Hey guys," I sat down and they both looked up at me with worrying looks. They probably were worried that I was going to leave too. First Ali, she faked her own death and then when she came back she ditched us for Jenna Marshall, of all people. Then it was Emily, she hasn't spoken to anyone and has ignored all of our phone calls.

"Hey Han, you okay?" Aria asks.
"Yeah, I am, thanks," I smile at Aria and then add "have you guys seen Emily?" They gave me a worried expression as they nod their heads in sinc.
"She was in English, she looked even more upset than usual," Spencer said.
This was probably because of what happened in the toilets. For some reason this upset me, Emily was upset and that made me upset. I cared about Emily, and I hate to see her like this.

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