How to Rank

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Ranking on Wattpad! It's something everyone can do, so don't worry :)

The top 1000 books are ranked. Meaning, your book can't be #2883 in mystery or something like that.

How does one rank? All you need are these few skills.

~Okayish grammar. Not PERFECT. Just enough that your reader know what the heck is going on. Your grammar doesn't have to be Stephen King PERFECT. Many think this, but it doesn't have to be. However, you should work on your grammar.

Useful tip-In the beginning or end of your book put little author's note: "Please point out any mistakes I've might have made."

If you've ever felt annoyed by someone commenting "don't you mean," and grammar nazis, then don't be! Stop right there and apologize to the grammar nazis you've gotten annoyed with. And, on a quick note...they help you rank. THAT'S RIGHT. They. Help. You. Rank.

Continuous reads, votes, and views help you rank, so if you have someone commenting your mistakes (which may be a lot) then your book is getting some attention. Make sure reply to these people and thank them because when someone corrects you in books, option it as FEEDBACK.

FEEDBACK. Don't be insulted. FEEDBACK. Oh, and if they're wrong or if they're RUDE, bite your tongue and choose to do two things. Ignore them, or reply with nice comments. One, you'll feel less stressed out about arguing with them. Two, you'll look good and represent for the good of Wattpad. Be a role model. Why do you think I'm a Wattpad star ;) ;) ;) wink wink.

I've had my outburst with readers, believe me, but I've stopped. They have their opinions and I have horror stories to put them in...just kidding. Seriously, write your book and don't worry. You'll improve.

~Most of us can't do this, but constant updates help you ran further and further and further. At one point, before I hurt my hands, I updated every day and all my books ranked. Because of my injuries, I no longer update so I'm currently ranking further back :( *Ugly cries.*

If you can't do it every day, then try 3 times a week or even two. Let your readers know your update days, then they will stick with you. However, if you go off track (like me) you'll lose ranks and readers.

~Have nice covers. With titles. With the author's name or username. And with clear text. I'll possibly make Tutorials on Youtube on how to make okayish covers that get attention. Comment on this thread if I should.

~Reply to comments because they'll be back to reply to you and that looks like a lot is happening in your story. And when your story is getting attention, then it's possible you'll rank because of continuous comments.

That's all to it tbh. Most of it is updating a lot OH AND BEING FRIEND AF.

In the next chapter, I will give everyone the cheat sheets and websites that will help them describe certain things in stories. This will help you LOADS.

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