Wattpad what?

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I intentionally wrote this book for beginners, so I'm going to break down things from the very beginner in chapters and parts. First of all, Wattpad is the best place to write and publish your books and stories if you're serious about writing. Even if you're not serious, Wattpad is fun.

Why do people take Wattpad so serious? Because there's a possibility you can become a published author, have your book made into a game or movie, and it doesn't JUST end there! There are too many opportunities on Wattpad for me to tell you about. OK, blah blah.

I'm about to tell you all the things I wished people told me when I first joined Wattpad.

Let's start with the very simple stuff.






For my bio, I realized that having a theme is pretty cool! Go to my profile, you'll see that it's dark and creepy. Why? Because I write horror and that points out the OBVIOUS.

If you're writing...romance, but your covers look like a thriller and your background is a clown covered in blood maybe readers will assume you're not a romance writer. I mean, it doesn't matter if you don't have a theme, it just looks sexier on your profile. If you want clowns as a background, and romance book covers then go ahead. But...keep that theme in mind ;)

Also, did you know you can rearrange your book order on your profile??? Go to my profile and you will see that Hide and Seek is first. It's my most popular novel. I recommend putting your most popular novel first, second, or third. Or, put your series first. I go with my most popular or the one with the most reads hoping others will start with those and the reads continue.

If you need me to make a video on how to rearrange it, I'll make on on Youtube. Subscribe here: Jakayla Toney OR Ms Horrendous. Comment if you need this video :)

Bio or Profile Description:

I'll tell you right now, this will drive people away

*Don't message me if I don't know you*

*I don't read other books*

*I don't follow back*

If you DON'T do these things, don't post it in your profile. It just drives people away and if they're your fan they may feel uncomfortable approaching you. I get that you may be busy, but whenever I see "I won't reply to messages" especially from people I like this makes me never want to approach them. If you're too busy write something nicer like "College student, Engineer, and mother. Sorry if I miss your messages, I'm pretty busy. But I appreciate all votes, comments, and my readers."

Something like that^ for an example. If you want to make it clear that you don't talk to people then go ahead. I won't stop you :)

Another tip I like to use:

Mention who you are (username or real name) and what genre you write in. Mention the contest you've been in on Wattpad, stickers you've won, etc. I like to add my inspirations. Another thing you can add are your favorite things in life. Hobbies, singers, bands, clubs on Wattpad, Roleplay, fanfictions, authors. When you mention things like this, readers relate and they may follow you just because of what they see on your profile.


Avoid names that bring up hate. Such has: Obamesucks101/xDownwithTrumpx/ewgayz

Sorry, but these names DON'T attract readers. Maybe a few, but this is just a warning XD Don't have to take my advice if you want to.

However, I like to tell people to pick good usernames and names on Wattpad. You can even use fake author names like most writers do. I use my real name but I wished I used a fake name for a few reasons. Too late for me. So, it's okay to be "Alex Truman" "Alexis Great" "J.K. Trolling"

Be creative with the names :) I was Dr. Horrendous, Avatar Jakayla, J.K. before I was Ms_Horrendous.

That's the profile set up. I'll get into posting and publishing in the next chapter.

Horrendous Tips on How to Become Popular on WattpadWhere stories live. Discover now