Story Description

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So, in the last chapter we talked about genre. I just wanted to mention something real quick. If you can't find your genre, try writing about something that's important in your life. If you struggle with something that you're not open about then turn it into a fiction story. You can even turn it into a nonfiction story but that's if you're ready to tell the world about it. Writing on Wattpad doesn't have to be completely made up, use your life as inspiration as well.

So now that you got your profile down, and you've found your genre... It's time for story ideas and story descriptions.

Here's something I wish someone had told me before I joined Wattpad. I wish someone told me to make different content. There are a lot of similar books on Wattpad. I'm a horror writer, so my goal was to be far from similar. I had to come up with different content. So let me tell you something.

Whenever I review books, I constantly see the same pattern going on. For horror books; it's always about a house, that girl, and a family that was murdered. Whenever I read a romance from writers, it's usually about boys and girls hitting each other than falling in love, or falling in love with a family member, or something like that. But what makes your story stand out?! Does someone die? Is someone sick? Is there a dead dragon buried in your boyfriend's backyard???

When you put up content on Wattpad, try to make it different than the others. Let's say you're new to writing horror and you want more readers. There is a huge chance that your readers read a lot of horror books on Wattpad so when they see something similar they're going to pass it.

Before we start writing your first chapter, we have to get that blurb. That story description and we have to make it intriguing. We have to capture our readers with an interesting story description. My descriptions come first. You have to make sure your description pulls people in or else they won't read it.

You're wondering why people won't read your books, well it's because they've probably seen a similar plot or story description similar to yours. So how can you fix this? How can you make your story sound like a MUST READ?

I'm going to give you examples of everyday descriptions.

"Michelle just moved in a new house. She had no idea it was haunted. When strange things begin occurring in the house that's when the show knows something it's wrong."

"Chris is a bad, bad boy. All the girls love him. Kayla is the new girl at school and she falls head-over-heels for Chris. Will she get the guy she loves, or be like the others who never gets his attention."

What is the matter with these descriptions? It's not pulling you in. A story description needs a hook. Something that will grab our attention. Doesn't have to be long. All my story descriptions are short! You can make them between 30-500 words if you'd like.

Story Description: Alex struggles with depression, finding no way out in life. Will he ever be happy?

Stuff like this is too cliche. A lot of books like this have been written. Keep away from the cliche things. Be new, be different, and never limit your imaginations. Always think outside to that.

Now let's say you have an idea and your character is going to be depressed. Your job is to tell us more about your plot. Tell us something that will bring us in.

Think about what you would want in another story.

Most of us don't know how to do it because we haven't seen many examples. All you guys need are a few examples and some practice.

How can I turn a story about a dog into something interesting? Think of your readers and what they want. Something exciting!

"This story is about a dog who...?"

Can we say something interesting? "This story is about a dog who can see his past owner's ghost and refuses to move on with another person. 7-year-old Charlie is in love with his new dog, but the dog will not move on. Not only that, his old owner refuses to let someone else loves his dog..."

To dog owners, this may be okay. It's not great but it is a little interesting.

I just try my best to think of something that will make a person go, "wow, this seems good" just by looking at my description.

Say you have this idea about a haunted...KITCHEN SINK. How can I put this into a description where the reader doesn't find it too cliche.

"Abbagail's new house is a dream come true.

"John this place is amazing!! I can't wait for you to see it. The bathroom is spacious, my garden is breathtaking, and the screams coming from the kitchen sink are just-"


Or you want to write about a kidnapping. "Leia gets kidnapped by a stranger" TOO CLICHE. Not interesting.

Think. Think. Think.

What about, "In middle school, most kids don't worry about their teacher falling in love with them. Leia's 6th-grade math teacher can't keep his eyes off her. He eventually plans to kidnap her, but not for reasons most think. He needs an experiment and it can't just be anyone. His love for her will keep him from hurting her during his new invention. He will be extra careful."

No idea, but I would want to know what the hell is going to happen here! Btw if you guys get inspired by any of my descriptions it's okay with me to use them! I look at descriptions, analyze them, and find out what's interesting about them. That's the only reason I got good.

Next chapter we'll discuss plots and plans I guess. Creating a story.

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