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(Y/n) PoV.

After the party, everyone was tired and woke up late. So Genji knocked on my door and woke me up.
- Wake up, Lena said that breakfast is soon to be ready.
- Okay, Im coming...
I went to sleep for about 10 more minutes and then Lena showed up.
- Oh cmon love, you know youre gonna miss the breakfast.
- Fine, Im coming now.
Quickly picked some clothes, and opened the door. Lena showed me where the cafeteria is.
- Hey good morning guys.
- Hey (y/n), thought you'd be late. Come sit with us, - Mercy said.
I sat down ant then looked to the food.
Eveyone had some pizza, fast food or soda.
I took (f/f) and some (f/d).
- You heard that we have a training, comin' up today? Just a battle simulation, not a big thing. You and Genji should join us.
- I will surely come, thanks for telling.
- No problem love, also, is that your battle gear or you will wear somethin' else? She chuckled. I realised that I was still in my sweatpants and lousy T -shirt.
- Oh nevermind that, I will get dressed.
- You better hurry up, we start in 40 minutes, ans Jack wants to tell you some basic things about the training, since youre new.
After some time, everyone ate and got their ways. I saw Genji sitting alone a few tables away, so came and sat near.
- Hey carrot boy.
- Really? Two can play this game, grumpy face.
He chuckled at his own joke.
- Oh I wish you choked on that joke.
- But seriously, why are you so?
- Why am I so... How?
- So emotionless. The first time we met you really got that 'bitch face' on.
- Oh well excuse me, 'joy boy', not all of us are all time happy.
- Okay okay, I get it, you dont have a boyfriend.
He stood up and went his ways.
- Yo what? Come back here you lil' sh*t!
He laughted and ran away.

I got in my room and dressed up my battle gear. Later Jack tell me about the fight and how it goes.
I heard a voice, announcing that battle simulation starts in 5 minutes. I was just in time!
Yosh, lets kick some asses.
We got in a ship, and the same voice announced team placements.
Team 1:

Team 2:
Soldier 76

Now travelling to Watchpoint: Gibraltar.

Attack cominses in 30 seconds.
Prepare your defenses.
- You ready loves? Were gonna crush 'em! You okay (y/n)? Youre our new support hero, so remember to stay a lil' back.
- Yeah, thanks Lena.
We smiled at each other, as our team got in the posisions.

Widowmaker stayed at the roof, Tracer and Genji hid bhind the corner near me. I stayed behind and Winston, who where besides payload.
- Pst, grumpy head, dont mess up and HEAL US!
- Ugh, shut up carro-


Defend the payload!

A stream of fire went in our direction. Mostly Junkrats bombs and Soldiers ammo.
The tanks shielded me, but some bullets still passed by, until Genji took Soldier out. He was on critical health, so I took my mirror and passed one of the six crystals onto him. It started healing, but tanks were on critical too. Already?! Shit... And I dont have my ultimate not even near. I managed to take Genji and Tracer out of there, by shielding tanks with my mirror, as I expanded it...
After few minutes I healed them both, and Genji said his ultimate is ready. Finally, theyre going down! was ready too, and after few seconds they've been wiped out. I had my ultimate by that moment, but I was sure half of the enemies had theirs too. Then Mercy showed up, and revived all of them. You could hear their joy screams from here. The fight emediately turned against us.
I took out my katana and helped the guys out, killing Mercy and wounding the guy with strange mask and pig tatoo. Then Genji got in my way and killed him!
- Hey you stole my kill!
- Too slow ha ha!
He dashed forward and took Soldier on. For a short period, he was busy, while me and took Junkrat on.

After some time.

Almost all of us were on a verge of death, and Widowmaker was killed by Reaper, so it was my time to shine.
Widow got back really quickly, since the payload was near the checkpoint already, so I used my ultimate as soon as I saw her.
- Wareware wa issho ni tsuyoku natte iru!
I spread my hands, slightly rising from the ground, my legs together, kinda floating in air, passing all six crystals in different directions, and everyone was healed up real soon.
I heard a few woohoos and thanks, that meant I did my job. Soon Winstom used his ultimate and half of them were dead. We didnt let the rest break through, and defended succesfully.
My first Victory, and I did a good job.
I remembered what Jack told me, and checked my stats.
From the whole match, I got only 3 deaths, 19 eliminations and 10.5k healing.
Those were stated as gold medals. Something to be proud of.
- Hey (y/n), Athena will now announce who got the play of the game! Look closely, - she said proudly, as if she got it.
Genji got top play? Im not surprised. But I didnt see how he used it, so I was curious. What I saw was that little dragon, from back when we walked near the waterfall back in Hanamura. Genji yelled something and then sliced all of them with his katana. After that, the screens went black and showed people who got best stats.

3 gold medals
40 eliminations
3 minutes objective time
10 solo kills.

Everyone cheered and we got back in the ship.
- Not bad, carrot boy.
- Heh, you too, how much healing did you get?
- 10.5k.
- Thats more than Mercy got.
- You talked with her?
- Yeah, she said she did 9.7k.
- Woah I overdid myself I guess.
I chuckled a bit, because and Soldier were arguing behind us, who did better.
- You should smile more, it isnt so hard huh?
- Whatever, why do you care?
- I dont really care, I dont want to get that grumpiness all over me too...
He was blushing, I totally saw that!
After we got to the base, it was 8 pm, so everyone ate and went to sleep.

WOAH THAT WAS HELL OF A CHAPTER. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed, give me feedback if you did ❤ Cya loves. Also, the ultimate line means - we are stronger together!

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