Party on

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Genjis PoV.

So we went to our rooms and after several hours Lena invited us to the main hall.
It was filled with baloons, decorations and in the middle of the hall was a big table. Cake and sweets, drinks, some apetizers were on. I havent seen (y/n) for a while now, and I turned to the left to see her chatting with some guys. Lena was there of course, and Angela, paired up with Winston.
There was a little stage near the table, DJ was playing some songs. Chill atmosphere was created by greenish - blueish lights.
- Hey Lucio, play my favorite one.
-Sure thing, Lena.
The volume went up and everyone started dancing.
Only (y/n) was looking for something, leaned against a wall. And again, she seemed sad or something. I didnt think twice and walked torwards her.
- What do you want?
- Arent you going to dance?
- Parties arent my thing, besides, Im um... Bad dancer.
- Uhg cmon you cant be worse than me.
- No, thanks. Seriously, go have fun, I will stay here.
I grabbed her wrist and pulled near the others, and started dancing. It was a little big awkward, but she laughted and said:
- Youre seriously bad...
Suddenly the DJ slided between us, and spined around with (y/n).
- Cmon, dont just stand, let the rythm flow through you.
- Uh, fine, if you insist, but only this song.
Lena came and took Lucio with herself away, but paired me and (y/n).
Both of us were confused, but let along.
- Youre not so terrible, you know.
- Not as bad as you at least, Carrot boy.
- Oh cmon, youre always like that?
- Yep.
- At least youre not trying to kill me.
- Youre just lucky.
We danced, chatted, then got some drinks. She was kind of friendly, but her sarcasm bit me oftenly. Overall, everyone went to sleep at 2 am. Except Lucio and Lena - they stayed to watch football.
I will count this as a well - went party.

This wasnt boring, was it? XD
So I hope you liked it, Next chapter theyre going to train and stuff (spoiler alert). Cya :*

~Hiden~ Genji x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang