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Henry's P.O.V

We went outside through the window in the bathroom. He took a long drag on his cigarette as he stared at me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I snapped.

"After everything you told me about her, you obviously care about her. So I'm making sure you don't fuck up and lose her." Marley told me calmly.

"I'll screw up her life if I stay in it."

"She needs her brother! Did you not just see her!" He snapped at me.

"She'll get over missing me. I promise." I retorted.

"Obviously not, just give the poor girl a chance!"

"Wh- After everything! You think she's just going to forgive me?!"

"She's here for you now, man! She's seems over whatever the hell happened between you two!"

I ran my hands down my face.

"You need to be with her, apart of her life. You can't just leave her...." He told me.

"I guess you're right...." I muttered.

"Of course I am!" He said with a cocky smile throwing his cigarette on the ground and stomping it out. I climbed back into the window and I went to my sister who was standing by the door awkwardly. He stayed outside passed curfew because he said he was going to go on a walk and leave us to talk.

"Hannah..." I said softly...

"Listen, I shouldn't have come here... I-I'm sorry." She said softly fidgeting with her thumbs and the bottom of her shirt. She wouldn't look me in the eyes and only stared at the ground.

"No, I've been wanting to talk to you for a while, but I-I..." I trailed off. She stayed silent.

"I'm sorry." I said wrapping my arms around her, she rested her chin on my shoulder.

"I've missed you..." She said softly crying onto my shoulder, I could feel the hot tears soaking through the shoulder of my shirt. I can't believe I tried to get out of my twin sister's life...

"I've missed you too..." I said softly holding her tighter.

She cried and I held onto her, I did this to her....

"Wh-What's gonna happen now?" She asked as she stopped her crying.

"We're gonna have to get through this..." I sighed.


"We just will..." I told her.

Marley came back 30 minutes later and Richie came here....

We all sat down and watched a movie, because why not?

I was sitting next to Hannah and Richie was sitting on the other side of her, and then Marley was at the end.

Every now and then, I caught Marley sneak glances at her. She was leaning against Richie who had an arm around her, when I noticed a small bruise on her shoulder.... That boy... I'll kill him.

"Uhh, Hannah?" I asked her.

"Yeah?" She asked me.

"What is that?" I asked her motioning my head towards her shoulder, she pulled her shirt up a little more and her face turned dark red, so did Richie's....

"That's what I thought..." I muttered shaking my head.


Hannah's P.O.V

When we left, I hugged my brother good-bye and said bye to the boy who's name I learned was Marley.

Richie and I walked home hand in hand. When we got back home, we went into my room and he smiled pressing his lips to mine.

"I love you." He stated pulling away for just a moment, and before giving me time to respond, he put his lips back onto mine.

At the end, I ended up pulling away.

"I love you too, but we really should get some sleep..."

"Yeah... We have school tomorrow..." He sighed, "Do you want me to stay with you?"

"Sure." I said with a small smile, we layed down in my bed and I curled up next to him.

"Thanks..." I said softly pulling the thick blanket over our bodies.

"Anytime, babe." He said kissing the top of my head. Then the walkie talkie started to go off.

"Guys! Guys!" We heard Bill yell in a whisper.

I grabbed the walkie talkie and pressed the button.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Thank goodness you g-g-guys are still awake, s-s-something hap-happened." Bill stated.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Henr-Henry's outside my house and there is an amb-ambulance, car c-crash. Henry and so-some other dude are ge-getting lo-lo-loaded up." He stated.

"Are you sure it's Henry?" I asked.

"Yeah..." He sighed, "Henry is okay though, he's in my house." Then the phone downstairs started to ring.

Not my brother..... I ran down the stairs and answered the phone.

"H-Hello?" I answered, Richie behind me with his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder listening to the phone.

"Hannah?" Henry asked.

"Yeah, are you okay?"

"I'm fine..."

"What the hell were you doing?"

"Me and Marley snuck out and were heading down to the store. Some guy was drunk and hit us...."

"I-Is Marley okay?" I asked.

15 votes next update. I'm running out of ideas people! Help! This one is short....

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