Deal (8)

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After a half an hour we drove to the top of a huge hill. I was still petrified. He stopped, you could see the town of Derry from where we were at.

"Why the hell did you bring me here?" I demanded.

"I need to talk to you." He told me.

"We couldn't have talked at the house?" I asked with slight annoyance.

He shrugged.

"I did that for you." He stated. I glared at him, angry.

"For me?! You beat the shit out of my boyfriend!" I snapped.

"I knew it..." He sighed.

"Yeah, I know you did. If you gave him a chance he coul-" I started.

"Give him a chance? Hannah...... You disappeared with him, I couldn't find you! If he can get you to run away, I have a few ideas what else he would get you to do!"  He yelled facing me, then he took a deep breath and we sat in silence.

"I'm sorry..." He sighed.

"No you're not." I mumbled now pissed off.

"Not for kicking his ass I'm not. I'm sorry for being an ass to you." He said. "I just... I'm scared Hannah."

"Of what?"

"You disappearing, I'm afraid to leave you alone with Butch. I'm afraid to have you anywhere without being protected. Butch won't raise us, that kinda leaves me in charge of you. I don't know what the fuck to do, I ain't gonna get anywhere in life, but I want you too. I can't keep a damn job, hell I can't get one, people are too damn afraid of me. I won't be able to get you to college. We can barely afford anything as it is, I'm afraid we're not gonna have enough money to get food, or we're gonna lose the damn house. Then we'll be homeless hobos sitting on a curb begging for money. I mean, what kind of brother would let his sister starve to death." He rambled, his voice started cracking and he put his hands over his face and he sounded like he was crying.

"Henry.... Nothing's gonna happen to us, we'll get through it." I said softly setting my hand on his arm. We got out of the car and sat on the hood of it looking at Derry. In silence.

His eyes were sort of red and puffy too...

"Well, it's fuck-fricking freezing." I stated sliding off the hood. "Is that blanket still in the trunk?"

"Should be." He answered. I grabbed the big soft blanket and got back on the hood of the car. We both sat under the big blanket trying to keep warm, I layed my head on his shoulder. I honestly love my brother most of the time, he's still an asshole though.

"I love you, Henry. Even though you're a major douche." I giggled.

"I love you too, even though you're annoying as fuck." He chuckled. We sat in silence a little longer, till I fell asleep. It's been a crazy ass day.


I woke up the next morning, in my room. Henry must've carried me into the house. I immediately grabbed my walkie talkie.

"Richie? Richie?" I asked.

"Yeah? Hannah?" Richie asked with his morning voice, "You alright babe?"

"Yeah, how are you feeling?" I asked.

"I'm doin alright princess." He said, princess...... I like that. I couldn't help but giggle a little.

"Hello?" Richie asked.

"Yeah, I'm still here." I giggled.

"So, when are we gonna meet up?" He asked.

Tough love (Richie) (Completed and might someday be edited)Where stories live. Discover now