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Typo: A typo is an unnoticed error in a typed, edited piece of text. This can be a misspelled word or a piece of punctuation accidentally in the wrong place or a space in between words is missing or even a word is missing. Unlike what some people say a typo can sometimes be detected by a spelling or grammar check. If a word is missing the typo can go undetected, but if something is misspelled or a space is missing then it can often be detected. 

To avoid typos read through your work multiple times to check it makes sense. A good thing to do is to copy and paste it into Google Translate so that you can hear it read aloud. 

Get others to read your work. You know your work best and may skim over errors. By asking someone else to read your text you can get another perspective, they might even have more knowledge on errors in writing.  

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