Fan Fics

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Fan Fics-you either love them or you hate them. However, it is important that yours stands out above the rest. For instance you will notice there are a billion One Direction Fan Fics, thus that means there are many to compete against for reads. 

Top Tips:

*Make the ideas original.  clichés are boring in fan fiction and are so predictable. Romance books are fine but, add a twist in your plot perhaps death or mystery or crime-Make it interesting. Plot twists in the middle or at the end of the novel can be the death of an important character. This is unexpected and engages the reader, thus don't just pick off the less important characters.

*Avoid writing about an idea that is the same as the one you have read. If you like that idea and really want to use it add a unique twist. If the main character is best friends with someone, make them full in love with someone else first that doesn't particularly like the main character at first. Avoid bad boy falls for the good girl. Give the character some secrets and try to make the characters different from other Fan Fics that are similar. Try to avoid wedding scenes at the end because this is a cliché and is quite boring, and you can find it in a majority of Fan Fics. 

Fan Fiction problems:

This doesn't just apply to Fan Fiction, but can apply to any book. For a novel to be good it needs the combination of three things: Interesting plot, good grammar, and Characterisation the reader should agree with. If a story lacks one of these elements it will disengage the reader. 

For instance you can have an interesting plot but have: terrible grammar, terrible characterisation or  you don't update your story regularly enough or even consistent spelling mistakes which all disengage the reader. 

To avoid these problems:

*Update regularly. If you feel you need more time to write and don't think you can update when you said you would, then let the readers know. Or set times when you update for instance update every week. 

* Try to avoid abandoning your work. If you need a break from it e.g. writers block, then let your readers know. But make sure you don't abandon it completely. 

* Try to avoid terrible grammar. On some occasions terrible grammar can be used for characterisation, however it should only be seen when that particular character speaks. 

* Avoid cliches or overused plots. Once someone has read one book about a One-D member marrying, they do not want to read another one with exactly the same plot. Add twists and try to avoid the fairy tale ending. Half solved endings in Fan Fics can work well as provide a mix of happy ending but not sickly, predictable fairy tale ending. 

* Try to avoid spelling mistakes as instead of the reader focusing on the plot, they end up looking for the next spelling mistake. Google or dictionaries or a thesaurus is a good solution. 

* Make your characters good. This is done by giving them flaws but allowing them to overcome or partly overcome that flaw. Make strong characters that have a great dialogue that fits in with the type of character they are as well as their gender. For instance male characters won't have huge dialogues and won't say things in huge elaborate detail such as flowers looking delicate in the misty morning as spider webs softly glisten upon the leaves. 

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