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Summaries although not the main part of your novel are still very important. A summary entices the reader to pick your book over another. Therefore, it is important  to not divulge too much information, as this can cause the reader to know exactly what happens in the book. 

An example of divulging information: Linda a bad girl goes down the wrong path-that is the wrong path that leads to drugs, crime and being an alcoholic. Things seem to being getting worse and worse as she empties each bottle and misses her AA meeting, until Tim a friendly out-going guy, who moves in next door, sets Linda on the right path and they get married and have children. 


Type 1: Short and doesn't give away much. Not much information and makes the reader curious. 

 For example: They met in a shopping mall, two years ago. She ran away and he still loves her. 

Type 2: Often written in first person and gives more information. It focuses on the main character's thoughts and feelings.

 For example: I have been best friends with Lucinda for three years, yesterday we were laughing and smiling together on the last day of term. I did not know it would be the last time I ever talk to or see her again. It started with good luck. 

Type 3: Gives information but, makes it interesting and is normally written in third person. This type focuses on telling the plot. 

For example: Jane had always been a bright, kindhearted and hard worker up until now. Her mum has lost the plot, her brother has left home and her grades are dropping. A new girl is stood at the front of her class being introduced to the class. Little does she know this may be the answer to all her problems. 

Tips for any type of summary:

* Don't put in unnecessary information such as describing the characters appearance or the setting. Pick out key points such as emotions, thoughts and events. Keep it simple, if the setting doesn't affect how the character is then don't mention it.

* Make it sound original and unique. There are a lot of books out there, you want someone to think this book sounds more interesting than that book. Make it sound different to other people summaries. Make it stand out against other summaries. In addition, don't use cliche quotes in an attempt to entice readers as they are off putting and don't make your novel stand out. 

* Check your grammar and spelling is accurate. Poor spelling or grammar may make the reader not even want to read the first page because they may think the whole novel is like that. Summaries reflect your writing.

* If you use a scene from your novel in your summary, don't use the climax. This could disappoint the reader because when they get to the climax in the novel they feel annoyed because they have already read it.

* Don't start with things that you shouldn't start a story with. This means no morning scenes, alarm clocks, welcomes, landscape and no science, history, geological and geographical descriptions. 

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