Basketball // Wildcat

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It was around three in the afternoon, I was bored just sitting at home, so I decided to do something about it. I searched my closet, found an old basketball, and immediately came to the park. That's what I've been doing for the past hour or so, just shooting the hoops, as the kids say.

I dribbled a bit before my eyes landed on the net a half a court ahead of me. I took a deep breath in, positioned my stance, and shot.

My eyes scanned the airborne ball as it arched to the hoop. It looked almost too perfect. It hit the backboard, and I held my breath. Go go go!

It faltered to the side, dropping down and rolling on the court. "SHIT!" I yelled before I realized I was potentially around kids.

I groaned in annoyance. The ball rolled behind me. Just as I was about to turn around and pick it up, a shot easily went in to the hoop.

I snapped my head back to see the person. Behind me was a tall man, a bit of scruff, probably around 6'4 or so.

He flashed a smile at me. "Hope you don't mind."

I was fully facing him now. "How, the fuck, did you do that?"

"I just have skills." His smile never left his face.

I crossed my arms. "Well, hotshot, go get the ball." I jerked my head towards the hoops, I'm guessing it landed somewhere over there.

He ran off behind me, I didn't bother turning around. I heard some dribbling as he ran back around, facing me. He handed me the ball.

I looked at the ball in my hands. I used to play when I was younger, I'm sure that I have warmed up enough by now.

"You up for a bet?" I looked back at him.

"What's on the table?" He crossed his arms.

"Whatever you want." I tapped my chin. "How about, if I win, I get thirty bucks. And if you win, you get... I don't have thirty bucks on me." I paused. "My number."

He held out his hand. "Deal."

"There's no way I'm losing man." I dribbled down to the hoop.

To say the game was intense was an understatement. We were both clearly significantly skilled in the sport.

I had an easier time dodging, as I was shorter. However, he could easily get over my blocks.

I had a lead, all I needed was two points, and then I would win. He needed three, so I had confidence.

I was shooting from the free-throw line when a hand knocked the ball out of my hands. The hands shot from behind me, and it sank with a satisfying swish.

My mouth hung open. "Uh? Bullshit?"

A smiling man came up to me. "I believe you owe me a phone number."

I glared at him. "I was about to win! Why would you do that!"

"So I could win."

"This is," I groaned. "Whatever. Give me your phone."

He took a moment to unlock his phone and get on his contacts before extending it to me.

I sighed and quickly typed my number into his. I got to the name part. (Y/N). As an added touch, I added a basketball emoji on the end.

I handed him his phone back. "I don't even know your name, yet you have my number. Something is very wrong here."

He outstretched his hand to me. "Tyler."

I hesitantly shook it. "(Y/N)."

He shook his head. "Nice name." He smiled. "Wanna play again?"

"What's the bet?"

His smile grew bigger. "If you win, thirty bucks, like last time." I nodded in agreement. "If I win, we have to hang out again."

"So, like, you're going to win a date?"

"I wasn't going to call it that, by sure."

I smiled. "You're on."


I got this idea from another one shot book I read a long time ago. It wasn't like this, but they were both on a team, so I stole the basketball idea. >:3c

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this. Requests are open, if that's something you're interested in.

~ J

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