Chapter 5: Problems

Start from the beginning

Liz: "And once you've done that, he'll just phase out like smoke and come back again. That isn't your fight. It's Stephanie's."

Hellboy: "I know. I just wish I could have shot him."

Liz: "Maybe next time when he isn't phasing, give it a shot." (She started rubbing his arm.)

Hellboy: "You know what? I might do that."

Liz: "Won't hurt at all to give it a chance."

Hellboy: "Yeah."

Liz: "Alright. I'm getting in the shower. You're welcome to join me if you want." (Hellboy chuckled and looked at her butt while she was walking. Stephanie puts her outfit in her locker and puts on a normal outfit that the agents gave her. She had the necklace tucked in her t-shirt. She then walked into the library. She saw a record player that was playing music. The song was Chopin-Fantasie Impromptu.)

Stephanie: "What is this peculiar music?"

Male Voice: "It is Chopin-Fantasie Impromptu. One of my favorite classics." (Stephanie was startled and it was Abraham who was walking down the stairs.)

Stephanie: "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to intrude."

Abe: "It's alright, Stephanie. You don't need to be afraid to come in here. This is your home."

Stephanie: "Thank you, Abraham. What are you doing in here? Are you reading?"

Abe: "Yes, I am as a matter of fact. I'm reading about the sea legends of mythical sea creatures. Pretty interesting ones, too."

Stephanie: "Aren't you a mythical sea creature, Abraham?" (He looked at her and she sort of blushed a little bit.)

Abe: "I think I am. I don't know. It's complicated to say." (He looked back in the book he was reading and Stephanie's smile slowly went away. She felt guilty for what she said.)

Stephanie: "Oh, no. Forgive me. I didn't mean to offend you like that."

Abe: "No, no no. It's fine. I understand that I'm not human on the outside."

Stephanie: " are on the inside." (He looked at her once more and she shrugged.)

Stephanie: "That's just my opinion about you." (She saw that her shoe was untied and she bent down to tie it. Abraham saw her necklace hanging outside her t-shirt and he was curious on what it was.)

Abe: "Stephanie, what's that around your neck? It's glowing." (She had just finished tying her shoe when he asked the question.)

Stephanie: "Huh?" (She looked at her necklace.)

Stephanie: "Oh, this. It's my necklace that my mother gave me. It harnesses your powers whenever you use them. It shuts down when you take it off."

Abe: "Interesting and will you be able to use your powers without it?" (Stephanie shook her head.)

Stephanie: "No. Without the necklace, your powers will feel like it's been blocked by a brick wall or a blockade. It will never work without it."

Abe: "That is very interesting, indeed. Do other Nymphs like you have necklaces that glow?"

Stephanie: "Yes. There are 5 regions that Nymphs can be born. The green ones stand for land Nymphs. The blue stands for water Nymphs. The purple stands for mountain Nymphs. The sky blue is for light Nymphs and the red stands for darkness Nymphs. The green can summon trees or earth, the blue can summon waterlife and transform into sea life, the purple can summon wind and pulsations from the mountain, the sky blue can summon light from the sun and heat, and red can summon pure darkness."

Abe: "And you are wearing blue. Doesn't that mean you were born near water?"

Stephanie: "That's what my mother told me in secret, but I honestly don't know if I have those powers. I mean, I'm different from my sisters. Daphne has mountains and Persephone has land."

Abe: "Maybe your powers will come soon. Right now, you're just learning how."

Stephanie: "Yeah. You're right. I just have to focus, that's all."

Abe: "That and some training."

Stephanie: "Are you...volunteering to teach me?"

Abe: "Of course. I mean, it's up to you if you want me to teach you."

Stephanie: "Yes." (She nodded her head and smiled.)

Abe: "Well, great. We'll start tomorrow morning in the pool area."

Stephanie: "Okay. Sounds nice."

Abe: "For now. It's getting late and you seem a little tired."

Stephanie: "I am tired. I better get some rest. Good night, Abraham." (She leaves the library, proud and excited.)

Abe: "Good night, Stephanie." (He kept reading and at night when Stephanie was asleep, Darmon's shadow appeared to check on Stephanie and saw her necklace.)

Darmon: (Whispers) "So, you are a water Nymph? I knew it. You just wouldn't tell anyone. But how are your powers different? I wonder." (He walked up towards the security camera and went inside it. He transported himself through one of the security screens and saw a guard. He possessed him and cracked his knuckles.)

Darmon: "Alright, babe. I hope you are receiving the feed of Stephanie on the crystal." (The crystal jingled and showed Stephanie asleep. Daphne smiled and was waiting on Darmon to return. He got out of the guard's body and he phased back to the Nymph Palace.)

Guard: "What the?!" (He looked around the room and saw nobody.)

Guard: "Huh? Must be having one of those crazy dreams again. I knew I shouldn't have watched those scary movies at night." (Darmon returned and Daphne smiled.)

Darmon: "Well? Is it perfect?"

Daphne: "Yes, it is, Darmon. Now, we can watch her every move."

Darmon: "I'm glad, babe. I got something to show you. Around Stephanie's neck is a blue glowing necklace." (He zoomed in on her neck.)

Daphne: "That can't be right. Her powers are different and yet she bestows the blue necklace. It stands for water and she does not have water powers. That's strange and mother hasn't told us. Just kept us in the dark. We need her here, now!"

Darmon: "It's not that simple. She's surrounded by tight security in a hidden base. She can't simply just walk out."

Daphne: "Damn it."

Darmon: "We'll figure it out and we need to go back to sleep."

Daphne: "I agree. Okay, let's go." (They turned off the crystal and went back to bed.)

(End of Chapter 5: Problems)

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