"Looking for me?" Questioned Pete.

I kicked him in the shins and ran, he groaned then chased after me. He almost caught me but I was too fast that he almost slipped.

"Don't think this will be easy Piper!" He yelled at me.

I took out my blow gun secretly and waited for him to come close to me then blew it at him six times that he missed four but got shot with two. He was still moving but slower. I blew again, and he smirked while passing out.

I checked my surroundings before calling Matthew.

"Here's another one." I said.

I gave him the directions and he arrived, with the baby.

"Here." He said giving me the baby.

He shot something in his arm like he did with Larry, and dragged Pete.

"What'd you put in him?" I said following him outside.

"It makes them unconscious for a few hours, or at least till you guys are finished with school. " he explained.

"So Larry's not awake."

He shook his head no.

The baby started crying.

"Oi, please stop crying." I cooed while rocking him back and forth, giving him his binky.

Eventually he stopped.

"Wow, you're mother material." He said smirking. I rolled my eyes.

"Want me to take care of him after school." I offered.

"Please! I'm sick and tired of him!" He yelled but not loud to startle the peaceful infant.

"Okay well schools about to end in twenty minutes so take this, and go tie up Pete."

"On it."

"By the way me and you need to talk later." I said. He nodded in confusion but decided not to question it, at least not now.

I quickly walked in the building.

"Skipping class I see?" A teacher questioned watching me come in from outside.

Dammit I thought he made every person that was roaming outside the school pass out for a few minutes in separate rooms. They should be waking up right now but not able to bounce back quickly to catch me roaming.

"My dad was outside I had to confirm some things." I said coming up with a lame excuse.

"Confirm what?"

"That's private." I said as I walked past her. She didn't continue asking questions. I sighed.

The bell ranged, meaning it was time to go home. I ran for Alex.

"Hello." I said to Alex as she's walking to her locker.

"I know that look." She said.

"What look?"

"Either the 'I found someone' or the 'I captured them' look." She smiled. I chuckled.

"The latter"

"Who was it."


"Ah, I see." She chuckled.

Polly walked up to us.

"Have you seen Pete?" Polly said shyly.

"Why?" I questioned. I looked calm and not shaky or guilty, I got good at that.

"I wanna talk to him, about our breakup." Polly said shyly.

"I heard he got an early dismissal and is either moving or transferring to another school." Alex said cooly. I was amused.

"Oh.. okay." Polly said looking sad, then walked away.

When Alex was done with getting stuff out of her locker she closed it and we went out.

"By the way, we're taking care of the baby."

"Oh my fuckin- Why!?" She shrieked.

"Because... I wanted to relieve Matt?" I said grinning nervously. She groaned and just walked off.

"What's the matter!?" I asked.

"I thought we'd agreed we have too much on our plate for us to be taking care of a baby! I don't want to wake up to a baby crying."

"It's going to be fine it's just for tonight, it's not the baby's fault it got abandoned."

She sighed.


We uber to Matt's place got the kid and left. Larry and Pete still didn't wake up and so we decided to do this tomorrow so he put something in them that'll make them wake up the next day. That's when I remembered I needed to talk to him so I called him when we got home, Alex carrying the baby.



"Try to erase me from everything, have me not look like a possible threat to anyone, even if it means I have to wear a wig and colored contacts, or even make my skin look tanner."


"No buts!" I said cutting him off. "Just try." Then I hung up.

"I don't want you to change though." Alex said frowning.

"Let's just hope I don't and we get out of this simply and alive." I said sighing.

Here We Go {Vauseman} Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ