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phil: are you okay now?

dan: youre here with me so of course im okay

phil: that's nice and all but i really want to make sure if you're okay at all times, not only because i'm here

phil: what if i leave?

dan is typing...

dan is typing...

dan: youre leaving me..?

dan is typing...

dan: phil where are you

dan: did you leave?

dan: did i do something wrong?

dan: im sorry pleasedont le ave

phil: oh no, baby no

phil: please stay in your bedroom, i know you haven't been sleeping well

phil: i'm in the kitchen okay? i'm just making soup

dan: okay
Read 9:57 a.m.

dan: phil?

phil: yes?

dan: can you stay the night?

dan: just this night i promise

phil: yeah, i already told my mum

dan: yayy

dan: youre the bestest

phil: :D

phil: also, i'm done with the soup

phil: this soup costs 5 kisses so you better prepare those kisses when i get there

dan: if i give you 10 kisses what will i get in return?

phil: cuddles?

dan: deal

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