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I was woken up by feeling somebody wrap their arms around me.

I sighed already knowing who it was.

"David what are you doing here?" I asked him as he buried his face in my neck.

"I missed you. I told you I was coming." He replied sleepily.

I grabbed my phone looking at the time. It was 3:47 a.m. Of course.

"It's 3 something in the morning and you just now coming here. You said you were coming hours ago." I said sliding out of his grip.

"Man you always want to get into that shit you know I be busy and have shit to handle." He sighed pulling the pillow over his face.

"Yeah." I said dryly getting out of bed.

"Aye don't be like that where you going?" He said grabbing my hand.

"Bathroom." I rolled my eyes and left out my room.

If my brothers knew he crept his ass in here almost every night we would both be dead.

I screamed running into my brother Artist because it was dark and he didn't make any noise.

"Damn it A." I said grabbing his gun out of his hand and putting it on safety.

"My bad sis I heard talking and then you creeping around." He said.

"You're seriously paranoid and going to end up shooting me one day. I was on the phone and now I have to pee." I said.

"No I'm not you're the one screaming cause you bumped into me." He laughed.

"Whatever move so I can use the bathroom." I said yawning.

"Goodnight sis." He said kissing my forehead walking back in the directions his room.

I handled my business and went back to my room seeing Dave putting his clothes back on getting ready to leave.

"Where you going?" I asked plopping down on my bed.

"I gotta take care of some shit real quick I'll be back." He said kissing my cheek.

"Don't bother I gotta get up in a little while anyway and I don't need anymore interruptions to my sleep." I said knowing he was going to Talia house like he always does. Soon as she calls he goes running.

"Man wassup with your attitude?" He asked looking at me.

"Nothing I'm fucking tired David and you're pissing me off." I said laying down.

"How am I pissing you off you always acting like we got something here getting mad every time I come by late knowing I got a girl. We just chillin you and I you said you was grown so act like it." He spat rudely.

I chuckled shaking my head.

"Ight Dave." I said simply. We go through this dumb as argument every 2 days and its getting old.

He looked at me weirdly probably because I didn't argue back. "Iight? That's it?" He asked confused.

"Yeah ain't nothing else to be said you're right I already know you gotta bitch and it's clearly not me we know that but you not about to keep getting your cake and eating it too." I said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked.

"Exactly what I said good bye David."

"Man stop that shit." He said pulling to him by my waist.

That shit wasn't going to work this time. He knew when I called his ass David I was fed up and this time I'm completely over it.

"I ain't do nothing now don't you have Talia waiting on you why you still here?" I asked crossing my arms across my chest.

"Man you on some other shit. I'll see you tomorrow." He said letting me go and kissing the corner of my mouth.

I said nothing and just laid back down as he looked at me for a minute but said nothing else and left out.

So let me tell y'all. I'm Bianca obviously I'm 18 that nigga that just left out of here thats Dave but you knew that he's 23 he's also my oldest brother Don's best friend. Now clearly that tells you right there he should not be sneaking into my room all kinds of night but that's really just my homie. He has a girl and I know for a fact we would never work out. Don and Artist would kill us for a fact. On the other hand we done messed around a bit we did some shit we shouldn't of been but hey I look good he look good it happens. It was cool when we first started chillin but now shit getting complicated. He has this girlfriend or whatever you want call her Talia and that's cool cause me and him really ain't got much going on we just enjoy each other company but he starting to treat me like I'm the side bitch or something and I'm not. Me and him ain't fucked we did some freaky shit here in there but that's about it I got head he got some but that's it. Now to be honest I thought I would've caught feelings by now but nope. He on the other hand has told me on his drunken nights when he need somebody to baby his big ass and listen to him vent that he care about me and all that but the timing just ain't right. Now don't get wrong Dave not necessarily a bad nigga but he don't have his shit all the way together and I refuse to deal with that even if my brothers wouldn't care if we got together. I rather go back to when I was just the little sister and he was the over protective brother that loved me to death but we can never go back and now everything is fucked up.

My phone vibrated against my night stand and I grabbed it already knowing who it was.

David😒🙄🤦🏾‍♀️- Hey baby girl I know I be saying some fucked up shit but you know I love you alright. Shit just ain't easy right now and you know I'm going through it with my momma being sick. You the only one a nigga got right now that know what I'm going through. I'm sorry shit got like this and I know we both wish it could go back to normal but it can't so we just gotta go with the flow. I know you going to be mad at me for a couple more days but I love you and I miss you already I'll call you later.

I sighed running my hand down my face. I didn't even bother texting back.

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