Sanskar:( in a calm voice) relax Shona. I am here only . You don't need to nervous in front of me and feel uncomfortable.  What you want to say me just say freely without any hesitation or nervous. 

Swara:( took a deep breath and said in one go  ) I want to help Jiju to PATCH-UP with Di 

Sanskar looked shockingly on his widen eyes and perfect o- shaped mouth .

Flashback end 

( P:s:- LovelyReethimention a user , how did u guess  about it drme)

Sanskar: ( started the conversation) Laksh when you are thinking to join again the office  ( hearing Laksh's name Ragini looked her beside surrounding when she got to hear Laksh voice . Instantly a smile curved on her lips where her eyes were twinking with happy tears. After one month she was hearing her love's voice . It's enough for her knowing he is fine. ) 

Laksh : ( without any intrest ) don't know..may be never again

Sanskar: Why you are punishing yourself , where you know this isn't your total fault?

Laksh: ( in a guilty voice ) It's only my fault... Only mine. Without any fault, only for me  you are bearing this much pain ( Sanskar immediately looked towards Swara where Swara avoided  to look at him ) . Only for my stupidity today you and Swara aren't together. It's me, for whom you are suffering this much pain in your life bhai. How are you forgiving me so easily , who is the main reason to destroy your life , who is the main culprit, who has taken out your happiness from your life. Just hate me bhai...just hate me like others. 

Sanskar: ( placing his hand on his hand) it's ok Laksh... It's really ok. It's not your fault. If I am also in your place then i also do the exact same things ..may be more than from it . Then how can I tell you, you are wrong. For me you are not, so just forget the past and move on your life.

Laksh: ( stubbornly ) I  can't bhai ..i can't. I can't move on in my life without Ragini. She is my life bhai. She is my love. I have never told her, but I love her bhai...i can't leave without her. ( in an expecting voice ) can we change the past ? Can she forgive me ever in her life ? Will she never allow me to see my own baby ? I am promising bhai , I will never ever do anything wrong which will hurt her... Not only her...i will never hurt again anyone in my life. Bhai please bring her in my life. Please bhai tell her , give me any Punishment but don't leave me alone is just killing me from my inside. It's just stabbing my soul when I am thinking I am the main reason for which my love isn't with me. I am feeling suffocation when I am taking  breath . ( cried looking on the floor ) 

Ragini couldn't take it more . So she ran away from there where Swara went behind  following her.

Ragini did the first thing entering inside the washroom , she  flashed the water on her face stopping her tears whose were flowing without her permission. Now she just hates this feeling of helplessness and her tears who are betraying her everytime.

Swara holding Ragini's arms in her hand and turned her to face her. 

Swara: Why are you here di? 

Ragini:( said avoiding her eyes) nothing just not feeling good. You know na at this stage ...

Swara:( cut her in middle) no I don't know nothing . I just know , my di is running away from her feelings everytime. How many days di ( shaking her arms ) how many days you will run away from your own feelings . How many days you will  give yourself false hope , that you are fine. You can live without jiju which is impossible for you. Everyone know that , you are craving for him , for his love. Then what is your problem di, why you are complicating it more ? WHY IS JIJU   SO UNACCEPTABLE TO YOU ?

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