Chapter 51- Like You Fucked Ashton Over?

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Michael; I still think you should've let somebody come with you.

Me: what and make Amy not talk to me at all? No thanks guys.

Luke: who says she  will actually  want to talk to you anyway? It's been nearly 6 months since she left. Who says she wants to see you?

Me:  she will,  I know she will want to talk to me. I'm her best friend after all. She wouldn't throw all that away.

Ashton: hasn't she already, thrown the friendship away though?

Me: Ashton for heaven sakes, we've talked about this don't make me angry again. People make mistakes, everyone in this group has made mistakes. You should see her message on her latest photo that was posted a few weeks ago.  Does anyone actually wonder why she left instead of presuming it was because of me?

Calum: I just thought it was because of you and your heart disease.

Me: see thats what everyone thinks but I believe there's more to it. Her post aswell just makes me believe there's more to why she left and moved to Ibiza without saying goodbye.

Taylor: I still think she was being selfish.

Me: let's not forget about the time you fucked Ashton over..

Michael: Hey, we decided not to talk about that because it was in the past.

Me: like I said people make mistakes. What friend abandon a friend when they obviously need help? She wouldn't just leave for no reason.

Calum: Maybe you're right Sammy.

Hailee: if she left for a certain reason us and our nasty messages wouldn't have helped either. Damn, I hope she's alright.

Michael: Me too. Feeling like everyone's turned on you isn't a nice feeling.

Clicking off Snapchat and took a look at the time. I still had a long flight yet and I was already getting tired so I decided to get some sleep while I can because I knew as soon as I landed in Ibiza I would be battling jetlag.

Meanwhile in Ibiza:
The Next day:

Amy's POV:

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you back to your apartment?" Justin asked me as I gathered my things. I looked at him," I'll be fine walking I don't want to be a bother," I say holding my clutch in my hand.

Justin walked over to me and pulled me into his arms, "your anything but a bother Amy," he said leaning down to place a kiss on my lips. I smiled up at him," I know but I would rather walk get some fresh air." I say hugging him back. " Okay, just be careful though." He said to me. I nodded my head, " I will I promise" I said getting out of his embrace and walking to his front door.

"Hey baby girl, text me when you get back," Justin said to me as I looked at him before opening the door. " I will, bye Justin" I said with a smile, opening the door and walking out.
I walked away from Justin's hotel room, heading back to the apartment.

I smiled feeling the sun hitting my skin as I walked down the street. For the last six months I don't know why I've felt free. Free to do what I please without any baggage. I wasn't constantly being hassled by boys. I was free to live my life and do the job I've always wanted to do in such a nice place.

I came here to get away, and to better myself as I wasn't happy with how I was, i said to myself I would avoid being involved with anybody but somehow that changed as I met Justin Bieber.
I don't think we're anything serious, just a fling maybe? I mean he's a celebrity and I'm just a holiday rep. I'm nothing compared to his ex Selena Gomez.

Summer Love Or More?- A.I (Sequel To Summertime Sadness) *Collaboration*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora