chapter 2; best dream ever

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6 days to go;
I wake up with someone stroking my hair. I look up to see an angel. Whom I love most. Jiminie hyung. Jimin. My Jimin.
I feel my eyes getting watery. I sit up to hug Jimin tightest.
"I never respected you. I just wish 1 more week you'd hold on to me. Just a week. I wanted to ask......" I choke. I rest my head on his shoulder.
He held on me tight." Shh kookie sleep baby...I'm here. Sleep.."
"I know this is a dream. I know. But could you please give me my first kiss. please hyung." I could feel Jimin smile.
He held my neck to pull me away from the hug just to pull me into a kiss. I could feel sparkle around us when our lips touch.
Jimin held me steady when he bit my lower lip. I gasp in surprise. He puts his tongue inside my mouth. He explore every corner of my mouth.
We pull out panting. I hug him again "I can't feel this ever again." I starts to sob.
He holds me tight against his chest. I drift in deep sleep in the warmth.

I wake up in a cold bed.

I need to apologize to Jin hyung. I walk past yoonmin, vhope room to find namjin's.
Knock in the door. "Eomma, appa"
Lmao high level shit.
"Kook?! Ne come in" jin hyung said.
I bow at them. "Eomma jesunamida. I behaved rude, jebal forgive me. "
"Its okay son its okay. I shouldn't have shouted I'm sorry too."
We hug in peace. Namjoon appa was shocked by my politeness. Who knew international playboy can behave nice.

I heard moans from yoonmin couples room as I walk to my room. I sigh at my defeat

J U S T Wanna Be Yours /Jikook/ Edited{}Where stories live. Discover now