" ̴̫͒͝I̵̻̔̌͒ ̸̩̒͂ͅd̴̗͈͌o̶̢̪̹͋̋ň̴̡͔̬͗̿'̸̛̻̭̈́͠ṯ̷̰̎̇ ̶͖̲̑̾n̵͇̓e̴̟̎͋̇e̸̞̫̯̓d̶̘̖̔ ̶͇̝̇̍͗t̴̯̕̕o̴̦̝͐̓͘ ̸͇̓̂g̸̰̕o̴͇̓̔" Anti retorted nastily.

"Why don't you go kill yourself again and come back when your ready" A new voice sounded through my phone. It was deep and distant in echoes. My eyes widened and I stopped crying looking up at the view. It sounded... familiar... I had heard something like it before... But what?! Who!?

"Dark" Anti scoffed and he must of rolled his eyes because the vision I could see lifted up then circled back to where he had originally been looking at the phone. It was Darkiplier! Another figure that I saw edits of. People drew pictures of ships between Dark and some other dark thing that looked like me using a remote and collar... Almost on que I jumped with a hand on my shoulder swinging my arms like I knew karate as I turned to see the other dark thing I was meaning. He looked... Scared?
He rolled his thumbs over top of each other continuously and his eyes looked at me widely. He looked exactly like me. He wore a shock collar, a grey and green hoodie, blue jeans and his eyes two different colors one glowed blue while the other glowed green.

"Please don't hurt me" he cringed at me holding up his arms as a shield with his hands pulling rude hand gestures at me; two swear fingers, one on each hand... I let out a sigh with the all too familiarity of that from Mark. I turned and brung my feet together beneath me lowering my karate posed arms as I raised an eyebrow at him confused more than ever. Did he think this is like Pokemon or something like Mark did? 'Super effective' I half expected him to say, maybe he learnt it from watching Mark through this screen I looked at.

"I-I wont where am I? Who are you?" He slowly lowered his shield looking at me frightened.

"You're in your own head, all your egos are here or as you call them, personalities" he stood up but his voice quivered badly. "Im one of your personalities, theres a few of us" he looked around in the darkness as more eyes glowed in it. One pair looked exactly like his as that particular set of eyes charged at me. I clenched my hands in fists as it charged then stopped as I went to locate the hit with the pursuer. I opened my eyes to find it was the Kitty cat thing one. His eyes were closed tight and mouth baring teeth in a frown that made him look as though he was about to cry. He let out whimpers as he fell to his knees begging me bot to hit him. I rolled my eyes. Weaklings is the only word I could use to describe them.
None of the others moved or did anything for about two minutes so I knew they were all scared.
So I was the one to break the silence

"Hurt you guys? I don't know you? Any of you?" I said to them as they began to slowly and cautiously walk towards me.
The Kitty's eyes opened and looked at me through his protection with glowing eyes. He slowly stood back up and took his protection away pulling his clothes back to look tidy. I examined him more, he was the guy everyone drew next to or with a weird version of Mark with pink wings.

"Well... Im another one of vour personalities. Vou have vany to meet." Said the doctor one...

"Dr Schneeplstien?" I questioned. He nodded at me as he turned and began walking off with his hand over his shoulder gesturing for me to follow.

"Vere is no escape" he said in a weird accent that made him very hard to understand. It was already hard enough to understand him through the mouth mask he wore. He looked like a doctor and honestly sounded like one... Hard to understand. "Ve have been here vor vany years Sean. Since vou were young" he told me a story that I could barely understand. I sighed and rolled my eyes following behind him. I tuned out looking around this dark place... My head did they say? I don't know, this was too much to take in right now.

Time passed before we entered a hallway with multiple doors on either side.
"Here is where ve sleep and stay" he said opening one of the doors into a well lit room that looked like a casino. Suddenly a figure jumped into the door way with wide arms dressed like a magician with a white cat mask with card symbols on it.

"I am very sorry my friend." He studied closely before his smile dropped.
"Oh no, no, no. Jack you shouldn't be here, you're meant to be out there in control! What are you doing here?!" He yelled at me grabbing the collar of my shirt pulling me into his face.

"Anti took over and I can't get out of here" I spat at him aggressively struggling against his grip on my collar "Don't speak to me like that either!" I yelled annoyed as he dropped me to my knees.

"Scneeplestien get him back out there!" He spat at him the looked at me again. "Get control back you can't let him win! You will doom everyone! He's a killer!" He said slamming the door in my face.

"He's not nice at all, what a cont" I said standing up dusting off my clothes looking at Scneeplestien.

"His vamily was killed vy Anti" he said grabbing me by the wrist dragging me down the hall again.

Meeting him (AntixJackxDarkxMark) Where stories live. Discover now