"Umm.. Promise you won't get upset, or sad, or anything?" I nod, holding my hand to my heart, which he sighs at. "Good. Hiccup would probably rip out my heart if I hurt you in any way." I laugh, picturing my mellow, sweet, little artistic Hiccup doing that.

"Thor, no, he's not macho enough!" I giggle like crazy, the image of him doing the horrendous action playing over and over again in my head. "And plus, he loves you too much to do anything like that." I catch a slight grin and swell in confidence from the boy as he continues on.

"Well, we were both feeling... I dunno, kinda.. left out I guess, when you two came home, and started hanging out together all the time.. Cuz you were our only friends, and when you left, we only had each other, since we understood and pretty much had the same story." He purses his lips. "We felt the same way, we understood each other." He grimaces. "Only, she let something slip that I don't think she meant to, her past was a lot worse than mine."

I nod thoughtfully, then swerve closer on Stormfly, using the winds to place my hand on his shoulder.

"Well, I'm glad you guys have been opening up like that." I sigh, looking down. "I really hope you get her to say more, she's pretty reserved with everyone. Really quiet." He nods knowingly.

"Yeah, she is." Nothing left to say for the two of us. He pulls Stormy back, thanking me quickly and riding the winds back to the edge. Although, I do wonder. With Ingrid here, where's the poor kid sleeping?


Fishlegs dumps a pile of papers onto the table, causing some people to groan as their food and drink is shoved out of the way. The dude doesn't apologize though. He simply plops into his seat, an begins surveying the rolls. 

Snotlout rolls his eyes, shielding his mouth from Fishlegs and hissing,

"Nerd!" Fishlegs simply ignores this, while I giggle and pat his head. 

"Is somebody a grumpy today?" Fishlegs sticks a finger into the air to interject.

"You can't call someone a grumpy. You can call them a grump, or say that they're grumpy, but you can't specifically entitle them as 'a grumpy'." I stick my tongue out at him, quickly braiding Tuffnut's hair, who came to me asking for Ruffnut's hairstyle. For an unknown reason.

Maybe now that Hiccup's gone, I'll try and spend more time with my friends. It's the only other thing I have to get my mind off of his absence other than Sven and Ingrid's little blossoming relationship.

I finish up the plait, tying it off quickly and moving to the other half. Two pieces are left for the small braids, which I still have to figure out how to make stick up like Ruff's. When I finish, I ask Tuff.

"Dude, do you have any idea how Ruff makes her braids stick up like that?" I point over to her, who's undoing her hair and smoothing it out. Much longer and flowier than I thought. Beautiful, really.

He grins, sticking a finger at me.

"Child, it is how the Thorston hair works. Nobody knows how. It just..." He gestures wildly, as if making a sign in the air. "Happens!" Ruffnut rolls her eyes, yelling from across the room.

"Seriously, bro?" Tuffnut laughs as she chucks a jar at me from across the small space. "Just use this, I don't need it anymore because of how used to it my hair has gotten, but Tuff'll have to." I nod gratefully, smoothing the solution over the two braids. Within seconds they've popped up, just like her hair.

Tuffnut is ecstatic.

"YES! IT'S BEAUTIFUL! Just like my sister!" Ruffnut blushes as he dances around the room, showing off the hairstyle. I laugh, watching him parade everywhere, complementing his sister every once in a while. Gods, what have I been missing out on? 

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