chapter 13

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A/N I don't own Black Butler all I own is my OC. Skarlet is my friends OC.

I open our wardrobe and I tried to get to the back of it so I can get our bags. This week me and the Undertaker are going on our honeymoon but he hasn't told me where we are going yet. It's supposed to be a surprise. I pull on one of the bags in the back of the wardrobe. It comes loose and I fall but I don't land on the floor I land on the Undertaker. I try to get off of him but he pulls me back on him and he kisses me.

"Undertaker if we don't get packed that he can't leave" I said with a sigh as he kissed my neck.

"Alrght my love" he said kissing me one last time and then he let me go."

We get up off the floor he puts the bags on our closed coffin. He helped me pack because I don't know what I needed. When we're almost done we hear the door slam downstairs. The sound of heels hitting the floor frantically can be heard.

" looks like we have one last guest before we leave" I let out a little giggle as we head downstairs.

A slip my hand into his and I told him to the main room. As soon as I passed through the door someone ran into me making me fall and them landing on me. Undertaker just adds to the side laughing as it happened. Me and another person aremix of red, black, and white from are dresses.

She gets off of me and she sits up. As soon as I realized who it is I tackle her.

"SKARLET!!!!!" I  shout as I land on her.

" I'm happy to see you too but can you get off I have to hide" skarlet said.

" why would you need to hide?" I asked.

" Because of Sebastian. He's going to be here any minute. You have to help me." She said.

I look up at the Undertaker and he is still laughing. I get up and I grabbed skarlet's hand  and pulling her with me. I know exactly where she can hide. A leader her to the bathroom are we prepared to guess. She gives me a weird look and I just laugh. I leave the room and come back with a plain white dress. I give it to her and she stares at me.

" I'm going to make you look like one of our guests so sebastian won't find you." I said.

She takes off her elegant red and black dress and and puts on the plain white. I hide her clothes and I bring the make up back with me. I make her look more pale than she already is and darken around her eyes to make them look sunken  in.

" you look just like one of our guests now I let out a loud as it stops what I hear the shop door open.

She hears it too and she gets in the coffin. She looks a lot different now I don't think he would recognize her. I can hear the undertakers and  sebastian talking in the main room.

" Undertaker I just finished our last guest we should get ready to leave for honeymoon soon" I said wiping my hands on my dress and makeing my way over to my husband

"Oh. Sebastian I didn't see you there does Ciel need help with something?." I asked.

" No. That's not the reason I came here Ms.Raven. I came here to get skarlet and I know she's here." He said in a pissed off tone.

" Sorry. You just missed her. She left about a minute ago before you came" I said.

" Raven you should know by now its ladylike to lie" He said with a smirk.

My jaw fell open and stared at him in shock. Undertaker laughed my expression and Sebastian heads to the back room. Screams and vulgar language could be heard from the room. Then Sebastian appeared from the room with Skarlet over his shoulder. Shes kicking and screaming.

"Sebastian put me the fuck down now" Skarlet yelled.

Me and the undertaker laugh at the sight in front of us.

"Fuck you Raven!!!!" Skarlet  said as Sebastian walked out the door.

"There going to make a cute couple one day" I said with a smile.

I put my arms around the undertakers neck and i kiss him. He pulls me closer and deepens the kiss. Then he pulls away with a smerk.

"You have to wait for your surprise my dear" he said with a small laugh.

He takes my hand in his and we go up stairs to finsh packing. When were done we take are bags down stairs. I stop in the main room but the undertaker keeps going and he goes out the door. I look at the door confused. Then i followed him out. Outside there is a carriage and and a laughing undertaker.

"How do you do these things?" I asked confused.

"What do you mean love" he said with a smerk.

"You know. Make things out of thin air"

"That is  a secret  my dear" he whispered in my ear and then he kissed my cheek. He puts my bag in the carriage with his and we get into it.

"Your defiantly not going to tell me where were going right." I asked

"Yes. You just have to wait and see my love." He said and he kissed my forehead. I lean my head on his shoulder and he puts his arm around me pulling me closer in to his side.

"Your full of mystery Mr.Undertaker and i still cant figure you out" i said with a smile on my lips.

"I sure am dear" he let out a small laugh.

I look out the window and i watch as the building and trees pass by. Not to long after we leave the city behind I begin to nod off.

"Raven dear. Its time for you to wake up love." He said as he gently shook me awake.

"Are we here" i asked with a yawn and i rubbed my eyes.

"Not quite but almost. I wanted to show you something. Look" he said Ponting out the window.

We are on a narrow road with trees on both sides. The sunlight struggles to get through the trees but only a few rays pass through the trees. On the left side of the rood behind the trees is a large filed full of wildflowers. On the right in between the trees and behind them are gravestones. They are over run by plants but some how it still makes the scenery beautiful. We follow this rood for some time and at the end of it is a huge stone wall with large gates. The undertaker gets out and he opens the hates when he gets back in we go through the tunnel. On the other side of the tunnel is a large field full of gravestones covered in plants and flowers. I wounder how the undertaker was able to find this place. At the end of the rood is a small stone building with large wooden doors. Its surrounded by wildflowers and white willows. This place is amazing. I step out of the carriage  and its a bit chilly but not too cold just right. Undertaker wraps his arms around my waist from behind and he rests his chin on my shoulder.

"Do you like your surprise love" he whispered in my ear. I turn around to face him and i wrap my arms around his neck pullling us closer to gether.

"How did I end up with the most wonderful person in the world"

He was going to say something but i cut him off by smashing my lips to his.

A/N I think this is the best chapter I have written. What do you guys think of Skarlet and tell me what your guys fav part is from my story. Thanks again for all support. I love you guys. :)

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