chapter 2

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A/N I don't own any of the black butler characters. Enjoy chapter 2 : )

The Undertaker helped me out of my coffin and he got me something to wear. He got me a long black dress, boots, and a corset. He hands me the clothes and he shows me to the bath room. I look around for some scissors so I can fix the dress to my likening. I cut the dress so that it is knee length, the sleeves so they are just straps, and the collar into the shape of a V. I get in to my new dress and I put the boots on. I am thankful I still have my bra so I don't have to wear that evil thing they call a corset.

"Undertaker I am finished." were could he be, I wonder to myself . All of a sudden I am being hugged from behind.

"Holy shit! You scared the crap out me!"

He just chuckles and he nuzzles his face into my neck. I try to get away from him but he pulls me into him even more. My face turns bright red. " Um... Undertaker what are you doing?" I stuttered.

"Why I am hugging you my dear is that such a bad thing" his hot breath on my neck sends shudders down my spine. He laughs at my reaction and he let me go. " I see you have made some changes to the dress I gave you. I like it, it suites you well."

"Thank you. sense I am not from here , what am I going to do and where do I stay."

" Well on what you are going to do that is your choice and you can stay here if you like"

"Ok I will stay with you but how am I supposed to help mankind?"

"That my dear is for you to find out ." he gives me one of his creepy smiles.

"But I don't know what to do."

"It will come in time." he walks into another room and I follow him. He starts to work on a body.

"How did she die?"

"She was murdered by the person called Jack the Ripper."

"Thats awful"

"yes it …. " he was cut off by someone calling his name from the main room. He picked me up and then some how we both are in a coffin in the main room.  I am also wearing one of his robes and he is pressed into me. I blush a bright red. How the hell did he do that. The person keeps calling for him, he opens the lid and climbsout but the lid is still covering me.

"Welcome Earl. Have you come here to try one of me coffins?" He giggles.

"I didn't come here to play today." said someone. The person kind of sounds like a boy. I peak my head out of the coffin. There is a little boy, two butlers, a Chinese man, and a woman dressed in red. The one butler sees me but says nothing.

"You don't need to tell me. I know why you came. With just one look - I can tell what's one your mind. Since the earl went out of his way to see me, I will do everything I can do to help." the undertaker said.

" You know something?" the boy asked.

"Please take a seat first and me and Raven will make some tea."

"Who is Raven?" The boy asks

Undertaker comes over to where I am hiding and he pulls me out.

"This here is Raven she is my new helper" he puts hes arm around my waist.

"It is nice to meet you Raven, my name is Ciel Phantomhive. This is my butler Sebastian." he points to the hot guy standing next to him. "This is my aunt Madam Red, Lau, and this is Grell Madam Red's butler. Ciel points to the three behind him.

" It is nice to meet all of you" I say and i look at the ground. Undertaker pulls me into the kitchen to make tea for our guest.

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