chapter 12

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A/N I dont own black butler all I own is my oc

I place the last candle on the table and I step back to take in the view of everything. Everything is just perfect

. "Grell are you almost done with the lights" I asked stands on one foot and he stretched to put the last cord of lights on the tree. He leans too far and he falls off the ladder.

"Oh Grell" I let out a laugh.

"Ouch"Grell whined and he got up.

"Well at least you got the last cord up on your way down."

"Everything looks so gorgeous even though everything is black and white" Grell said.

We finished setting up the clearing in the woods for mine and the undertakers wedding. "We should be heading back now. we need to get you ready as well" He said pushing me tours my house.

When we get there I take a nice hot bath and Grell gets my dress ready. Undertaker is hanging out with Sebastian and Ciel today while we get everything ready for the wedding. When I finish my bath i am put into a corset by Grell. Then he braids my long black hair. I look into the mirror and I see that a red ribbon is also braided into my hair. I smile at him.

" I thought you needed some color and red is the color sorry passion. You and Undertaker definitely have a fiery passion for each other." Grell said and i blush at his words.

" now let's see how that dress looks on you" he said bring out my wedding dress. My dress is black with white roses.

" you look actually beautiful Raven I'm jealous." He said.

" you look beautiful too Grell" I said. He is wearing bright red suit that matches his hair.

" you really think so" he asked.

" yes you really do. Thank you for helping me today" I said and I hugged him.

" of course. I couldn't let you do all this by yourself now. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't" he said any hug me back.

We started to head back at sunset because that is when I need to be there. When I get there the music starts to play Grell puts his arm through mine and he leads me up to ile, when we reach Undertaker he lets go and he sits down. Me and the undertaker say are vows then we kiss. Now we belong to each other. After the ceremony the party starts.

" congrats you two. "Said ciel

" You found someone that makes you happy Undertaker don't let her go." said Sebastian.

" I'm so happy for you" Grell said hugging me back.

Tonight can't be any more perfect. I just had to grab my hand and leads me to the dance floor. Surprisingly he can dance really good.

" I didn't know you could dance" I said with a smile.

" still learning new things about me my dear." the Undertaker laughed. He held me close as we danced.

" you guys have all night to dance but now you guys have to cut cake" said Grell.

We both smiled and the head towards the cake. The cake was big and it was white with black roses on it. At the top of the cake instead of the bride and groom there was two graves stones with our names on on them. I let the Undertaker cut the cake which I should have done. The next thing I knew I had a face full of cake and a laughing Undertaker. I had a evil smile and then I kissed him getting cake all over his face and hair. He closed the space between us and deepen the kiss. I realize we were being stared at, I blushed pulling away from him. He just laughed and he put his arm around my waist. Everyone left and I joined in.

" it makes me happy to know that I can still make you blush my dear" Undertaker whispered in my ear

. " well you blush to but no one can see it behind your hair" I whispered back and he stopped laughing.

We all ate the cake and then we went back to dancing. By the end of the night I think I have just about danced with everyone and now I'm ready to head home. We still have a long night ahead of us too. We say goodbye to everyone and I start to walk in the direction of home but the undertaker lifts me up in his arms. I laugh as he carries me home. He carries me up to our room and then he finally puts me down.

" you have made me so happy Raven" he says kissing my neck.

" you make me happy too" I said and I played with his long silver hair.

He kisses me hard and he slips his tongue into my mouth. I put my arms around his neck and I play and nip at his tounge. Then he picks me up again and puts me into our coffin without breaking the kiss.

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