chapter 11

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A/N I do not own any of the characters from black butler all I own is my OC. Sorry for the long wait but I am back now.


I wake up to my mothers screams and my day in Hell begins. I throw on an old t-shirt and faded blue jeans. I run a brush through my long black hair and then I hurry down the stairs to meet my mother.

“What took you so long Raven? God why are you so slow all the time? You know what I don’t want to hear your excuses. Just go join you sister and father in the kitchen” my mother yelled.

I walk into the kitchen and I sit next to my sister Lilly with a bowl of cereal. Lilly is wearing a new sun dress with blue dots on it. I start to eat my cereal quickly when Lilly starts to cry.

“Daddy! Raven hit me” Lilly said with fake tears.

Our dad looks up from the paper he was reading and he looks at me.

“Raven how many times have I told not to hit your sister. Come here now!” my father said.

I put my bowl away and then I go over to my father. He raises his hand and then he slaps me, making my cheek burn.

“That’s for hitting your sister now get your stuff and go to school” my father said.

I run up to my room and I cry. Hank rested his head on my lap and he whimpered.

“Good dog” I say and I pet his head. I get my backpack, then I leave for school. When I get there I prepare my self for the bulling. I look up from the ground and I see that I am surrounded by the three girls who bully me every day. The blond one always starts it first and then the other two follow. They hit me and call me names. They do the same things every day and after every class. By the end of the day I am numb and I don’t have any feelings. I have put them all away. When I get home I run up to my room and I cry but I here my mom say something as I head for my room.

“there she gos again with her fake tears to make people pity her. But it won’t work” my mother says laughing as I run to my room.

I sit on my bed with Hank and I cry into his neck. Why must I endure this everyday. I am tired of this shit. I want it all to end. You know what I think I will do just that. I go into my bathroom and I dig through my drawer until I find my knife. I look into the mirror at my tear stained face. I lift up the knife to my throat. I move it deep and slow across my neck.

“Raven….Raven…Raven…” I heard some one say and then I wake up in the undertakers arms.

“Shh. Its was just a bad dream love” he said wiping my tears away and he hugs me tight. I tell him about the dream.

“I thought I was back there.” I say and new tears flood my face.

“its ok dear. Your not going any where. You belong here with me” he said wiping my new tears away.

He gets out of the coffin and he offers me his hand. I give him a weak smile and I take his hand

I start to put on work clothes but he stopped me.

“we are not working to day my love” he says with a smirk. I look at him confused.

“Well what are we going to do today then”

“Today is a vary special day. Its been officially a year since we have met. I have stuff planed for today but it’s a secret my love.” he said with his arms around my waist.

“I cant believe I forgot” I said laughing.

“Its all right love” he says laughing himself.

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