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Jisoo's Pov
(Monday at school)

The hardest part about waking up in the morning is remembering who or what you were trying so hard to forget last night.


Sometimes it's better to be alone. Nobody can hurt you!


The saddest part in life is saying goodbye to someone you wish to spend your life time with.


Never be sad for what is over, just be glad that it was once yours.


The most painful thing ever is having feelings for someone you can't be with.


Sometimes you can't let go of what's making you sad, because it was the only thing that made you happy.

Now it was Jisoo's turn. Lisa really hurt her this time. Her and Jungkook look as happy as ever now. Jisoo cried herself to sleep every night. It felt like her heart was being shattered all day, everyday.

It was her turn now. It was Jisoo's turn to be sad. Her turn to sit in bed and ignore everybody.

Every time she saw Lisa the events of that night played in her head.

The kiss.

The end.

"Jisoo, you are crying," Rose said concerningly.


"You are crying."

"Oh, cool."

"Jisoo no it's not."

"I have run out of words to say Rose."

"Looking at her 24/7 isn't going to help your hurt."

"I don't hurt anymore Rose."

"Tell that to the tear coming out of your eye."

"You know she won't even look at me anymore."


"I am like a disease to her."

"She is probably hurting too Jisoo."

"Doesn't look like it to me!" "Why would she have the right to hurt anyway?" "All that she put me through!"

Jisoo saw the pair get up from their table and decided to follow.

"Where are you going?"

"I am going to take a walk."

"I know you aren't going to take a walk Jisoo."

"I am going to handle something."

"Don't get hurt Jisoo."

"I don't think I can be more hurt than I already am Rose." "Thanks though."


Jisoo followed the pair around the school.

Then they kissed. That was when Jisoo decided she had enough.


"Oh, hey Ji..."

Before Jungkook could finish her name Jisoo was on top of him. She punched, kicked, whatever would cause him pain really.

Lisa yelled at Jisoo, but she would not stop.

Then Lisa put a hand on Jisoo's shoulder and she stopped instantly.

Jisoo knocked Jungkook out cold.

She preceded to pull her hoodie over her head and walk off. Leaving a beyond shocked Lisa.

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