The Park by Bright Woods

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Marco had brought a blanket and a small picnic basket with sandwiches and apples.

I was very nervous as I walked towards a total stranger. I may have been eager to talk to him but I still felt caution twisting deep in my stomach.

"Hello," Marco said in a kind voice."I was worried you'd decided not to come."

We talked politely for a long time just getting to know each other and enjoying ourselves.

"So, Jezebel, that's an interesting name."

I tried to hide it but I still blushed profusely.

"Oh, I'm not saying it's weird or anything, I like it a lot. I was just wondering where you got it?" He rushed out.

"My mother. She's always been obsessed with purity. My older sister Eden was pure and she was so happy. My father died before I was born so she's always said the Gods punished her for having a daughter without a father." Sighing I continued."I think part of the reason she hates my impurity is because for me to be impure she would have to be impure. Either that, or she would have to 'ruin' my father's purity. She named me Jezebel because it means impure. Of course, Eden means pure."

"Oh." He breathed quietly. "I didn't realize."

"That's okay. You didn't know. My father was a great craftsman and after he died my mother kind of lost it. Eden's old enough to work so she supports us." I paused for a breath. "When I'm old enough I'll work too."

"My family has never had trouble finding money. I'm sure we could help you out!" He beamed.

"We couldn't. My mother is much too proud. She thinks we're decedents of the royal Nari people."

Marco's eyebrow raised.

"Oh shut up!" I said jokingly.

"I didn't even say anything!" He said holding his hands up with mock surrender.

We stayed there for hours laughing and talking about nothing in particular.

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