Getting Ready

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Author's note

This chapter is dedicated to my best friend Cameron who will not shut up and keeps telling me to write. Love you!
P.S. sorry to any readers I've just been waiting for some inspiration.
It only took forty-five minutes, four pokes in the eye, and a lot of whining until Serephina said, "it's finished!"

"I am not an it!" I glared at her.

"Whatever, you look gorgeous." She hopped around like a child who got what she wanted on Spring Festival Day.

"Phi, you look ridiculous."

"I don't care, my little girl is growing up!" She pretended to cry like an old woman who's daughter is getting married.

"You're such a freak! I don't even know why I let you hang out with me." I have her an appraising look.

"Oh shut up, you know I'm the cool one in the group."

We continued to talk as I rose and walked to her full sized mirror. "I think..." My breath caught in my throat and my mind went blank.

"You think what?"

"I honestly can't remember."

She gave me a weird look. "If you get choked up or something don't cry, okay? I worked too hard on your makeup."

"Wow," I said, "I can't even have an emotional moment with you around, can I?"

"I don't care if you have a moment, just make it a dry, tearless one."

She put her arm around my shoulders as we looked at ourselves in the shining mirror. It was a quiet, thoughtful moment up. Until Serephina broke the silence. "You do realize that for helping you I'm expecting payment."

"Payment? I thought we were friends."

"Yes payment." she looked at me like I was stupid. "You are going to come over afterwards to tell me every last detail." She reached up to fix a crooked flower in my hair.

"If we want to get you there on time we best hurry, lets go."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2014 ⏰

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