Prologue-Descendants of Royalty

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My mother has always been fond of antlers. She says in the olden days deer features represented purity, independence, and pride. Our family had none of these traits. We were poor and could barely pay the rent each month for our shack of a house. Still, she insists we are descendants of royalty.

No one could imagine the joy she felt when my older sister Eden was born with just a hint if creamy white antlers peeking out if her auburn hair. She grew to be tall, with long legs, an angular face, and moss green eyes. She was stunning.

I, on the other hand was not so lucky. My mother told me I was beautiful and said she loved me no matter what. Nonetheless I know she resents me not being born "pure." I may have antlers but, somewhere along the line I received the hind legs and hooves of a deer as well. And as if the Gods had not tortured me enough I have the vivid yellow eyes of a feline to go with my snow white hair.


On the planet Terra not all creatures were created equally. Since before history was written all of Terra's inhabitants have lived in tribes. All tribes had their own unique characteristics. One was the Nari Tribe, a proud peoples who were especially gifted in the creation of art. There were too many to count and each stuck to an ancestral area in which they could practice their craft and teach the next generation in peace. It is written that after long prosperity the Gods came down and disguised themselves as tribe members. They had become bored with the pure people and wanted to see something new. They tricked the tribes into thinking they were just young people that had companions from different tribes. In truth they were encouraging impurity. The Gods had not had the forethought of all the trouble they would cause and it destroyed their great cities and villages. Monair, Goddess of peace and generosity used her love of the people to teach them acceptance and to love one another. Most excepted impurity and embraced other tribes. Some did not.

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