Introduction to Apprenticeships

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"Jezebel, get moving or you're going to miss Introduction to Apprenticeships." Eden called.

"What's the point? They're just going to tell me I can't work on a traditional tribe craft like the others." I whined.

My sister frowned. "Why do you weigh so much on this tribe and purity crap? People only believe in it to feel better about themselves."

"What would you know about how I feel? You were born pure!" I sneered.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes. "Just get moving so you don't miss Serephina."

I hated when she acted like she knew everything. She may be ten years older than me at twenty four, but she was still just my sister.

I hated doing what she said but I had to hurry anyways and get ready.
"Hey Bels, what's up?" My best friend smiled.

"Nothing really, just a bossy older sister. What about you?"

"Same. Er... except for the older sister part I guess. Though, I'm pretty sure Dimitri is running for most annoying younger brother." She replied.

Serephina was also impure. Her whole family was, in fact. She had the twisted horns and short tail of an antelope with the wings of a golden falcon. Because her whole family didn't care about purity they didn't resemble any if the tribes really. I, at least looked kind of like my ancestors, the Nari Tribe. All of Phi's family members looked different if you didn't look at their friendly, round faces with large almond shaped eyes.
I tried to ignore Mr. Lires deep, droning, voice as I gazed at the artwork in the Hall of the Tribes. He had been talking about the ancient Nari artists for the last twelve minuets!

I sneaked a glance to my right to see Phi doodling on the back of her worksheet absentmindedly.

"As you can see in this stone carving the Nari people would etch important events into the walls of the caves in which they lived." He drawled on

After three more excruciating minuets they moved on to the Calo Tribe. Cat like people with long tails and retractable claws.

Serephina jabbed me in the ribs with her elbow.

"Ouch!" I yelped. "What's wrong with you?"

She grinned at me with a glint in her eye. "Look at that cute Rennan over by that sculpture thing! He's totally checking you out!"

"Don't be ridiculous. What would a pure want with me? I'm an impure remember?"

"Whatever, suit yourself." She left to join the others in the tour.

Just as I was leaving to follow he walked over to me.

"Hi, I'm Marco."

Eyes of the ImpureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora