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solana was staring in the mirror at her reflection, glowing, with life in her eyes and pink and purple little bruises on the side of her neck.

when the love adorned you like zayn's did, you would not cover up those tacky hickeys either.

her pants were somewhere probably in zayn's living room but she didn't care about that anyway. to say they had only did intense making out and some heavy petting, solana was beaming, her disposition was like a sunny fireball.

she could smell him in her hair, that certain presence that he possessed somehow always seemed to cling to her like she was a magnet.

she loved it.

Zayn was clutching the phone to his ear when sza returned to the living room. He smiled at her like the baby boy he was and that's when she knew she was smitten.

"Remember my friend, GG? I think she's on the way. She said something about stopping by for a minute."

the sunny disposition of hers tainted a bit at the mention of The Other Girl's name.

"Oh. I should probably go then."

"No, it's fine! I already told her you were here actually." Zayn nonchalantly breathed.

S shook her head in disbelief at the boy's grand obliviousness.

"Sweetie, she likes you."

"GG?" Zayn asked in genuine shock.

"Yes, Z, she likes you!"

"What makes you think that?" He countered.

"I have eyes."

He laughed and shook his head, "seriously, because I do too yet I still fail to see that. Plus I'm not quite her cup of tea."

"Oh please, Zayn. You're so humble," she rolled her eyes in mock ridiculing.

"Babe, you're silly, d'you know that? Are you aware?"

"I'm glad you find this funny," solana was becoming perturbed.

"I honestly do. Especially considering the fact that GG is very gay. I appreciate your jealousy though, it's adorable."

Solana's face heated in embarrassment as Zayn's lovely voice eased into laughter.

"Well I'll be damned."

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