looking 04 it

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sza was shocked to discover zayn was a singer.

it was sometime earlier that week that she opened her door and in the crease of said door was a finely folded paper. An invitation to a jazz club of sorts and in the "starring" list lay the name 'Zayn Malik.'

so there she was, jaw unlatched as she listened to this incredible singer.

his voice was smoky purple and cobalt blues, horizontal lines with long s curves.

it was distinctly admirable to witness.

it was crushed velvet.

the young man's eyes were closed; he engaged in the music with a gentle swaying like a sleepy tree in a windy forest.

who would've known that such a powerful voice could belong to such a mellow guy. the harmonic mingling of instrument and voice made shiver bumps appear on arms.

other women looked up at him with longing in their eyes and sza was admittedly one of them. she lodged her teeth onto her bottom lip and crossed her legs.

His voice was rich like dark chocolate.

she could eat him up.

the melodic tune halted, the instruments ceased. the song was over and he gave her a bashful wave. Those fawning women looked at solana and smiled a pleasant smile as if their relationship was a distant aspiration.

As if their friendship (?) was a distant aspiration. Because they were merely friends. Neighbors. Solana and Zayn were not in a relationship. Nope. No matter how much she thought of zayn, no matter how much she visited, or how much she had a crush on him, Zayn was her friend. He probably didn't even feel that way about her anyway...

plus GG couldn't seem to stay away.

she was quite surprised she didn't see the blonde bombshell tonight because lately she had been stitching away at zayn and sza's time with her constant calls and "pop ins."

GG was way too much.

"Hey," zayn's dimples were on display, he shrugged in to his seat.

"..that was amazing, do you know?"

Pearly whites shined and those precious dimples deepened. He lowered his gaze in shy appreciation.

"Thank you!"

"We should sing a duet." Zayn suggested this casually as if solana didn't have horrible stage fright.

"Never ever." she replied which made z lower his lids in agitation.

"You've got a voice the world needs to hear. Gotta start somewhere."

He handed her a typed program of another jazz club event, but next to "Zayn" there was "Solana" scrawled in his penmanship.

she thought the two names looked promising next to each other.

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