Celestial Fame

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The stars show a hiker the path

The moon shows a sailor the path

Why am I so aimless, then?

I run towards the Northern Star and,

I end up at a fork in the trail.

I swim away from the Moon's pull on the water,

I end up in the middle of nowhere.

I have to make a decision but,

What is the right one?

I hope the celestial bodies can lead me but,

Will they lead me to happiness or sorrow?

The Sun leads the Moon to nocturnal stardom

Shunning away from its fame

The Moon rises as the Sun sets.

There comes a time where both the Sun and Moon are greedy

Greedy for fame

Refusing to give way for the other to lead.

Eternal darkness falls upon us

What decision do I have to make now?

Will I regret it?

Will I regret it?

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