Two halves of a Whole

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I grew learning two different stories

I grew up with a veil over my head at the sanctum for prayers

I grew up with oil on my hair on every Festival

I heard two distinct languages in my household and family

I admit I can't speak one well

I learnt the other and I am quite fluent in it.

I don't look like one part of my identity

I look more like the other

I find it strange how my skin colour determines my identity.

Does it?

I still eat chappatis with paneer

I do eat rice and sambar

I still pray to the Lord with my palms together

I feel my culture with my heart and soul

I know that my culture is a part of me

I would never give it up for the world.

I am Marathi by blood and I will adorn the chandbindi with pride.

I am Tamil by blood and I will speak it with fluency and pride.

I do not have to be ashamed to be mixed with two dialects.

I do not have to hide in fear of being ashamed.

I implore you to never shun away one part of you to satisfy another.

I am Marathi-Tamil and I have never been more thankful.

I am Marathi-Tamil and I have never been more thankful

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