Side Story One - Surprise Me Seiji - The End!

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I'm almost across the finish line!

The research fair has begun, and now, various instructors, professors, and curious community members have made their way into the Main Hall, interested in seeing which projects were fascinating enough to win this prestigious scholarship. In some ways, I feel like this is more of a thesis defense than the Faculty of Arts' version of a Science Fair. The professors are grilling me hard, and my students who failed to win the scholarship are grilling me even harder.

But the haters won't get me down today. I defend my project as though it were the last bastion on defense. No matter how hard they try, they can't trip me up. And they shouldn't – I've worked my tail off on this project for eight months now. I've prepared, I've studied, and I've meditated.

I got this – no one else can say otherwise.

Ever minute brings me closer to sweet release – and every minute brings me closer to Seiji and his surprise for me. I have been on pins and needles for the last forty-eight hours, and I want to know what it is now. He sounds like he's been really working hard on it, and now I'm dying to find out what the fruits of his labor may be. Is he throwing a party for me? Is he planning a really awesome date? Is he planning to propose to me?

Okay, I admit, that last one was for dramatic effect. I know that's not happening. (And I won't be liable for any heart attacks that latter choice might have caused.)

Ahem…anyway, I really want to know.

This morning, he left me a text message. Tonight is the night I do something special for you. I really hope you enjoy it. You deserve nothing but the best, sweetheart.

Will. This. Fair. Just. Go. Away!

I want to hurry up and be with my man already!

… …

"Everything is going according to plan. I'm on my way to the hot spot. You do what you've got to do."

"Good. You know what you have to do. No matter what happens, you need to complete your mission."

"Man, who are you talking to? You don't need to worry about me. I have my ways. I will do what I need to do."

"Good. Let's do this then."

"Yes. Let's."

… …

It's over! It's all over!

The research fair is done! The professors are pleased with my answers! The guests have all dispersed, and my check's in the mail. Yay!

While I will revisit this research for my honor's paper next year, I don't have to look at this stuff ever again for the next five months. I'm free – FREE – free from such madness. It's over! I completed my objective! And now, I've got money toward my tuition for next year.

I'm such a boss!

And now, as I prepare myself for this glorious night, I can finally discover what Seiji's surprise for me is. I'm making sure that I look especially good for it tonight. I finally get to wear this black silk blouse with a bow in front and a pencil skirt that I've been looking for an excuse to wear. Even if Seiji's planned something casual and laid back, I still want to look good for my man.

No scented body spray for this occasion. I'm breaking out the big guns – my Nanette Lepore fragrance. It's his favorite.

It drives him absolutely wild, so of course I'm going to wear it.

I paint my face (the natural look with a little bit of a smokey eye), I style my hair, and I look at myself in the mirror. Damn, I am a looker when I want to be. I don't want to brag but not only could I compare Delia in terms of looks, I could outdo her, if I really tried.

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