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I didn't sleep throughout the night, my best friends texted me they would be in early because they had to tell me something. I was really nervous freaking out. I saw Sky before I saw Leo, hugging them both tightly they sat in chairs beside my bed looking nervous. 

Sky bit his lip looking at me, "So we both have something we were meaning to tell you." She nods at Leo as he coughs looking at me. 

Leo takes my hand as Sky takes the other one. "We are all best friends, like family, been there since we all can remember, right," Leo asks softly.

I nod not knowing what to say. Instead Leo keeps speaking,"Eventually we didn't go a day without seeing one another, and then something started happening."

Sky looks at me taking over,"At first we just thought it was us being crazy, we would feel a warm fuzzy feeling whenever we were around you. Eventually we felt it get stronger and we couldn't put a name on it."

Leo looked at me,"Finally we figured it out, we loved you, more than best friends, more than family. We loved you as though we wanted you to be the one."

Sky nods sitting down on the bed,"We couldn't tell you because you already had alot on your plate. We got into fights all the time because we always wanted to fight over who got to be with you. We tried to find other people but we just couldn't. This is also what we wrote our essays about, we wrote about how we love you. We planed everything out from telling you all the way up to wondering who you were gonna choose."

eo coughed,"The only thing we were scared of was that you were gonna choose me because you weren't into girls, but we know you will choose what is right for you."

They quieted down and my thoughts spun into circles. I couldn't think, not even for myself, my head was in the sky. "Okay," I whispered quietly squeezing my eyes shut. 

Sky whispered loud enough for only me to hear, "I know you don't know who you love right now. We wanted to tell you this at a better time but before your surgery we figured we would tell you. We love you but we have to go cause the doctor wants to take you back with your brother to prep you for surgery."

Tears spilt from my eyes as they both hugged me tightly. A few minutes later, and I was sitting back in the pre-surgery room on my labtop typing my essay. My brother eyed me as I typed away at my computer unable to stop the words pouring out of me. I knew how to write this essay and what my heart wanted. I knew what to do. I soon enough finished my essay minutes before the surgen came in. I gave my brother everything as he hugged me and whispered to me,"Good luck, I love you."

Smiling I watched the lights fly by as they brought me to the operating room, and there it was bright as ever and super cold metal. The anesthiaologist told me count down to 1 from 3 in my head and I didn;t even get to 2 before everything went dark. 

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