Chapter 11 - Christmas

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H, Emilia and Carly walked up the stairs of Jimmy's house and over to his bedroom door, where they greeted their best friend.

He smiled and opened the door, "And this, is my bedroom.."

The walls were a creamy-white, although, you couldn't see them due to the amount of posters hanging up, and the floor was made of light brown planks of wood. There was also a purple rug. There was a huge shelf lying horizontally on the floor, piled with DVDs, books and video games, with a TV sitting on top of it. To the left of it was a cupboard with lots of clothes in it, and to the right was a bookshelf filled with books, video games and vinyl figures. In the middle of the room, on top of the rug, was a coffee table. It had a mug on it, a pile of books and video games, and a photo of Jimmy and Emilia. In the corner directly across from the door was a window with purple curtains. On the windowsill were a few of his favourite Harry Potter POP Figures; Harry Potter, Voldemort, Severus Snape, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger. Beneath it was Jimmy's bed. The duvet was blue with a green Yin Yang. It matched the top that he usually wore. Beside the bed was a huge bookshelf. It was still quite tall even though it was lying horizontally. There were little Christmas-themed houses sitting on top of it, and, yet again, there were books and video games on the shelves.

"Ooh! I like your room, Jimmy!" Carly cried.
"Thanks," he blushed. Emilia rolled her eyes, but smiled.
"What do you guys wanna do?" She asked.
"Dunno," replied H.
"Wow, your boring," Jimmy, Emilia and Carly chorused.
"Well, what great ideas do you all have?" H asked.
"Let's play Hide and Seek!" Carly chirped.
"Really?" Asked Emilia.
"Yeah!" Carly smiled.
"Fine," Emilia replied, "But I'm going seeker." Jimmy and Carly smiled. H rolled his eyes.

Emilia stood outside the bedroom. H grabbed Jimmy by the arm, and brought a huge purple chest out from under the bed. Jimmy asked what he was doing, and H said that he was about to be in the best hiding place in the world. He opened the chest, stuffed Jimmy inside, and shoved it back underneath the bed. Jimmy screamed for a few minutes, and he sounded very much like a little girl. After this, H walked over to the bookshelf next to the bed, and stood behind it. His head and shoulders were still visible.
Carly skipped over to the bookcase near the TV, not the one beneath it, and squeezed herself through the small gap behind it and the wall. Since it was in the corner, there was more space in the middle, so she curled up in a ball, holding he knees to her chest. She swept a bit of her soft, pink hair out of her face. She knew that it would be impossible for her to be found, which made her happy.

Emilia stepped into the room, and instantly saw H in his 'amazing' hiding place. She face palmed. H sat on the bed. Emilia couldn't see Jimmy or Carly anywhere, but she did think that they'd be in quite obvious hiding places. Suddenly, she heard a faint rattling sound coming from under the bed. She crouched down to see what it was, and she spotted the chest. She dragged it out very slowly, considering she wasn't very strong. When she finally managed to get it out from beneath the bed, she opened it and Jimmy climbed out as fast as he possibly could. Emilia giggled very quietly, but she did feel bad that her best friend had been trapped in a large box.

After another ten minutes of looking around the bedroom, Emilia still couldn't find Carly. She heard a faint giggle from behind the bookshelf in the corner. It stopped. She ran over to it, and peered through one of the shelves, (the bookcase had no back to it) where she saw Carly.

"How did you get back there?" Emilia asked, sounding very confused.
Carly giggled, "I walked, silly."
"Yeah, but how?" Emilia sighed.
"Like this!" Carly replied, while squeezing herself out from behind the shelf.
"Wow. That's impressive," informed Emilia.
"I know," smiled Carly.

The girls walked over to Jimmy's bed and sat down, joining the two boys.

It was now ten o'clock at night. Briar was downstairs. She shouted them for dinner. H and Emilia walked slowly, not together though, and Jimmy and Carly decided to have a race to see who could get to the living room first. Briar was sitting at the table, in the kitchen with a bowl of chicken noodle soup. Emilia just had to take one smell of it, before she walked straight back out into the hall. The other three followed.

Jimmy's mum brought in their food; Yorkshire puddings with gravy, roast potatoes, mashed potato, turkey, and mashed carrots. Although, Emilia had a different gravy from the others, and also didn't have any meat.

They sat on the living room floor for about an hour, eating their dinner and talking. All but H had their shoes off.

Carly smiled, "So, H?" She started, "You miss your girlfriend?"
"Dunno," he shrugged.
"Aw! That's so cute!" Carly squealed.
"How is that cute?" Emilia asked, slightly annoyed.
"Because he never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever misses anybody!" Carly grinned.
"Yeah. That's probably the closest he's EVER been to missing somebody," Jimmy added.
"Whatever," huffed Emilia.
H's face was slightly red, "Shut up.."

After dinner, at about half past eleven, Jimmy's dad drove H, Carly and Emilia home, dropping Emilia off first, as she lived closest. Then, obviously, the other two were dropped off. As soon as everyone got home, the got into their pyjamas, and went straight to bed.

Author's Note

Hi guys! Less than a week until my birthday. Yus!

Did you guys like this chapter? I am surprised, but I did. I hope you like the next chapter, too.

Anyways, that's all I have to say for now, goodbye!

-KP x

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