Chapter 8 - Rosalina's Birthday

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It was the afternoon of November 25, 2016 and H was walking over to Emilia and Rosalina when he began talking to them.
"Emilia! We have to throw a surprise party for Rosalina, now!" He yelled.
"Jeez. No need to yell," she replied, annoyed, "Also, we were gonna go out for dinner.."
"I'm right here!" Cried Rosalina.
"Okay," H replied. The girls face palmed, simultaneously.

A few hours later, the two sisters walked to the main family's house, reluctantly.
Emilia turned to her older sister and asked, "Are you sure you want to stay here? We spent almost one thousand dollars on a dinner reservation, and we can't get a refund."
"What? It's the polite thing to do," Rosalina started, "Also, knowing H, he'll probably try to pay us back."
"Probably," Emilia laughed.

They knocked on the door, before discovering it was already open. They stepped inside.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" H yelled at the top of his voice. No one else said a word. His face turned bright red, "Why didn't anyone else say anything?!"
"Because they knew you'd be dumb enough to talk about the 'surprise party' right in front of her!" Emilia cried.
"Yeah, so?" H started, "Who's to say she knew about it?"
"I'm not deaf!" Rosalina shouted. Then she laughed, for some reason.

All three of them sat down, in a room full of nothing but silence. Granny Bloodgood and Mr Donkey came in.
"I'm back from Bethlehem on my donkey!" She screamed.
"What?" Asked Carly, confused.
"Are you deaf?" Granny Bloodgood asked, "I said, I'm back from-"
"I heard you, Granny," Carly replied.
"Hi, Granny!" KC smiled.
"Hello," she replied.

Then Briar walked in, "Hey, everybody!"
"WHY?!" H screamed. Rosalina burst out laughing.
"Hello, Blackbird!" Briar greeted, "Happy Birthday!"
"Welp, at least she's polite," Rosalina started, before realising, "Wait.. how does she know it's my birthday?"
Briar laughed, not normally. More like a cross between Jemima and TicToc. Like, mwahaha and heheheh.

Carly stared at Briar, then Bella, then Briar again.
"You guys look the same!" She cried.
"What?!" Bella squeaked. She did NOT like Briar.
"Oh, yah! We do!" Briar yelled.

They both had the same reddish-brown hair, brown eyes and tanned skin. They even both had pink streaks in their hair, except, Bella had purple as well, and Briar had turquoise. They both wore similar colours; pink, black and white. Although, Briar also wore green on her leggings.

Rosalina got bored, really quickly, and just sat at the top of the stairs with a glass of lemonade.
"Oh my gosh, this is the most boring party I've ever been to," she said to herself, "Heck, there isn't even music!"
"I'll get the music!" She heard H yell. He had good intentions, but it just made Rosalina annoyed.
"Not what I meant!" She called after him.

Slowly, she lifted her glass and took a sip of it from her straw. She stared at the ceiling, wondering why she had agreed to go to the party in the first place. She wasn't even the type of person to go to parties anyway. She didn't enjoy them.

H walked upstairs with a bottle of Pepsi, and sat beside Rosalina. He put his hand on her shoulder, but this time she didn't shove him away. She just sat there.
"Hey, uh.." he started, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah.." she replied, "I just.. it was my parents' money that we used to pay for our reservation, obviously with permission, but we didn't even show up. We wasted their money."
"I could pay you back.." H replied.
"We spent almost one thousand dollars," Rosalina started, "You still think you can?"
H looked at the ground in defeat.
"Didn't think so," Rosalina added, "Although, somehow, I knew you'd offer.."

H moved closer to her, putting his arm behind her. Rosalina turned her head to face him, making a confused face. H just ignored it. Instead of noticing her being annoyed, he just moved closer, and kissed her. Rosalina's face turned redder than Pearl's dress.
"Wha-what was that?!" She hesitated, very embarrassed.
"I, uh.." H replied, awkwardly.
"Wh-why? D-do you, uh.." Rosalina started, "L-love me?"
H's face turned red, not as much as Rosalina's, but still very red, "Uh.." Clearly, he wanted to say yes, but just didn't know how.

Rosalina put her head on H's shoulder.
"I love you too," she whispered.
"WHAT?!" H cried, his face going even warmer and redder than hers.

Rosalina stood up, with her glass, and walked downstairs again. She sat beside her sister and together, they sang along to the music. H waited a few minutes before following her.

Author's Note

Hi guys! Yes, there was a twenty-day time skip.

Is it just me or was this chapter so cute! The episode was really cringy though..

If you are wondering, it is a two-part episode, so feel free to watch them both.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Bye!

-KP x

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